One could argue that the people who hate the opposite sex impersonators the most are themselves. To put oneself through these procedures is not coming from a place of self regard.
This doctor daring to tell the truth is brave, he will have Keir Starmer's thought police kicking down the door for "hate speech". No doubt he will shortly be sent off for re-education by the NHS.
True that feminists have been saying this for a long time, but the letter goes into detail about the anatomical differences which demonstrate the point. Very difficult to refute.
That letter tells me that doctor has never actually seen the results first hand, observed the surgery (other than in a YouTube video) and certainly never carried out such a surgery. Nor should he as a General Surgeon which is what the NHS have the General Surgeons doing!
40 years ago there were a handful of surgeons that would carry out this surgery and they were some of the best reconstructive plastic surgeons in the world. Now they let any idiot do it and the results seem to speak for themselves. Plus you have the loons grafting tissue from all over the place trying to make it more like a vagina rather than just a copy with limited function.
The reality is and always was that, No it's not a vagina it's a copy (a fake) but done properly it can look aesthetically like a vulva from the exterior, but go in there with speculum and you would tell in an instant that it's not a real vagina. If cared for properly immediately post-op It will perform for the purposes of penetrative sex, that is where any similarity ends. I never had a single complication from the surgery and for the past 36 years it's performed perfectly adequately. In that time I have only had one, yes one UTI and have women friends who get them every other month. It does not require life long dilation in fact I haven't owned a dilator in almost 30 years, yes I'm married and we have sex but we are in our 60's now and we are not exactly at it like rabbits like were were when we were young. It does not close up!
Now the only time I have been near a vagina I was being forced out of it head first and I have never experienced a desire to go back in one since. But I don't live under a rock I have read medical books and seen photos and video. You would not know to look at it from the outside that it was a fake.
The real problem with trans identified men is not what they do to themselves (they are only one person or a tiny minority) , but what they do to all women - more than half the human race. Having worked for over half a century to help shield women from male violence by helping to create shelters and refuges where women could escape from male violence, I now see men invading these shelters and threatening to shut them down if they don't allow men admission. As a result, some women leave or won't even seek entrance to these shelters. This is also happening at gyms, fitness centers, in women's sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms, etc. Many women and girls no longer feel comfortable or safe. My tween niece and her friends, at their sensitive age, can no longer use the bathrooms at school for fear of encountering boys there. Waiting till they get home is so bad for their health. I know that trans female impersonators possess a normal range of intelligence and have the capacity to see the enormous harm they are inflicting on women and girls, yet this is of absolutely no concern to them. They are so wrapped up in their own selfish, irrational desires that they refuse to consider the damage they are wreaking on everyone else. Their callousness is legendary. One is led to conclude that their hatred of women is so pervasive that they can't even imagine women as humans with feelings and goals of their own, but can trample over them like grass under their feet.
It is a sad reality but you are correct. All male trannies are men without exception. So many of them are just that. controlling men who seek to dominate the women they envy. Even a fair percentage of the homosexual cohort fit that envious group profile strangely enough. Few of them have ever spent time amongst women or have any understanding of their lives. Very few trannies know the difference its hardly surprising that women or even normal people do.
Also you can orgasm perfectly well post op not because you're a "Laydee now" but because you are male and have a prostate gland. The "skin lined crotch hole" is aligned next to the prostate and if you stimulate a mans prostate as happens during penetrative sex he will orgasm! Simple mechanics.
It is muscular it passes through the pelvic muscles and you can contract it quite forcibly.
Walter Benjamin wrote in the early 20th century about the confusion arising from mechanical reproduction of real things. He was speaking of film, but plastic surgery that creates superficial, pared down aesthetic representations of a rich fully manifested being in the world is also well described by his concept. One problem with this approach to reality is that it drives its consumers insane, by separating them from themselves in the world, with all its disappointments and challenges, and converts them into consumers subordinates to a fascism of top down presentation of chopped up fascimiles instead of fully lived life. Jean Baudrillard picked up where Benjamin left off, writing of the narcissism which develops along wirh this consumption of a selection of flat reality mimicking constructs instead of engagement with things as they are.
It's a hazard. I'm glad to see that you recognize you are a male, but the doctor who wrote this letter didn't need to see the surface of one plastic surgery's outcome to know that what's inserted into and attached onto the male body is not a vagina, and doesn't and can't function like one, not even because it (the recipient hopes) allows penetration, not even if it provides a novel point of access for the prostate.
I'm not going to get in to how it is to experience all these mobile tissues and operative cellular structures. Suffice to say it's an unlimitedly rich experience and I know how all those structures he listed feel in and of themselves as they exist in the world through me.
I have actually read The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, (although I read the French translation and French is not my first or even second language so some of it may have been lost to me and it was many years ago now). The issue with so called Gender Identity Disorder is the people who suffer it (and most who present for these surgeries don't have it) are already separated from themselves by the condition. It's a detachment disorder. This surgery is about management of the condition in extreme cases rather than some magical becoming, which is how its being treated by so many of those who seek it and sold by those who perform it. That did not used to be the case commonly.
Life as s transsexual, no matter how personally or materially successful, is a life of compromise. You are not the thing you are seeking to appear as and never will be. However when you are so affected by a condition that your alternatives are even less acceptable or often because of your condition unacceptable, it becomes the only pathway left open to you. "Last Chance Saloon" as they say.
The problem with the current medical standard is that these surgeries are not just being carried out in the extreme cases. In the NHS it is being performed by anyone presenting and asking for them and in the case of the Private sector anyone able to pay. Without any thought of what potential perceived benefit the patient may actually attain or any rationale of how the impact of such surgeries will impact their lives.
That is very well explained and, I get a sense, perhaps also vulnerable, so thank you. I've experienced dissociation or detachment from my body a couple times--once my hands and the other times, just generally from my self. Both times were due to medication--there's a nasty habit these days of giving paych drugs off label for insomnia or pain. It was unpleasant. In the second case I think I got a taste of what Oliver Sacks described, writing about patients with neurological disorders who detached from a limb: he wrote that they often didn't just feel as though it wasn't theirs, their leg or whatever felt wrong and hideous, that they needed it far away from them. If that's what the true disorder is like, it sounds excruciating. When he was writing, there wasn't a great sense of how to treat it. My deep sympathy for anyone in that situation.
I don't think most people currently pursuing this medical option have that, you're right. I think they are uncomfortable with themselves. I know a few girls, all daughters of my friend circle. All three families have at least one cluster B parent, a deep lack of science or clear logic in the family discussion, and some sexual boundaries that aren't so great. Also two of them have close gay relatives and I think these girls might be misinterpreting how they are developing.
It's very sad, but I think these are more the type of people (the parents I mean) who've gone slightly mad through being consumers and by not being in touch with themselves. They've always been a little unserious. And the consumption of gender stereotypes really kicked in with social media's advent--I remember being disconcerted by it myself although I was in my 30s already. So these poor kids don't have much chance of an unmediated sense of themselves, I think.
This is separate yet again from the guys who pursue sissy porn. Any sort of intense addiction is destabilizing and being stuck in a computer for hours on end is destabilizing in its own way. But I think these disruptions fade away if a person really gives it up. Well, I'm speaking of intense computer work: changing jobs lets the mind breathe again after a while. I don't actually know about porn's effects. I spoke with someone who'd been into that and he said it was still with him and affecting him negatively, and I think this might be how some kink or dedication to practices works, in general.
But none of this strikes me as being the same as that dissociation I had imposed on me by those medications. I *think* it's likely that disorders brought on by acting in ways that are upsetting to the sense of self can be addressed in ways such as oh, maybe, cognitive behavioral therapy or by actions that are beneficial -- "touching grass". The medications' effects on my brain's knowledge of my body were deeper and felt fundamental. If that's the sort of disorder you mean, I could see the decision to make a last resort effort as you say. You're very right, no one is really making those rigorous evaluations. One of those families I know moved to a state where it's a lot easier, and that was that. Essentially the parents made the diagnosis and the decision. They pursued it as a commodity and yes I think a magical solution to minor problems or even goals -- (the child) is happier now, (the child) is very popular.
Yes the computer age has i agree been the catalyst which has led to the explosion of this dangerous ideological outlook, capture and derailment of what was and still is an exceedingly rare condition. So many of these younger people caught up are socially inept as a consequence of their insular lifestyles.
LOL! Here we are discussing this on a computer! But now I'm off to "touch some grass" as my husband and I are having lunch out with some agreeable friends. Enjoy your day.
“A slur used by transphobes to refer to and dehumanize transgender women. The term is a portmanteau of the words ‘trans’ and ‘goon,’ and carries the connotation that those accused of being ‘troons’ are using gender identity to hide sinister and potentially violent ends.”
Ironically, bizarrely, men have always been able discriminate against women, to keep women out of "men's" shelters on the grounds that women's safety would be in jeopardy if women were in residence with men. Something I have experienced myself as a teen fleeing a violent man. Now men say it's ridiculous to suppose that men in intimate women's spaces pose any threat to women. Of course, men have always endorsed, enforced discrimination against women FOREVER, whether keeping women out of professions, schools, sports, jobs. On what grounds? That women pose a threat to men's safety? That women are inferior and would lower their standards? More likely that it would interfere with restricting women to serving men's needs and desires.
One could argue that the people who hate the opposite sex impersonators the most are themselves. To put oneself through these procedures is not coming from a place of self regard.
Experimemtal and unethical fueled by greed and fetishism.
biggest medical scam of all time
We need illustrations of this surgery to drive the point home
Does anyone else hear the Hot Pockets jingle every time they hear “rot pocket”? 😅
Well, now I do! Good thing I don't like Hot Pockets.
Thank Goddess I've never heard it in my life!
I 💜clitoral erections 👍
This doctor daring to tell the truth is brave, he will have Keir Starmer's thought police kicking down the door for "hate speech". No doubt he will shortly be sent off for re-education by the NHS.
True that feminists have been saying this for a long time, but the letter goes into detail about the anatomical differences which demonstrate the point. Very difficult to refute.
I feel a song coming on. 🎵
One of These Things (Is Not Like The Others)
Words and Music by Joe Raposo and Jon Stone
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?
Did you guess which thing was not like the others?
Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong?
If you guessed this one is not like the others,
Then you're absolutely...right!
I ❤️charts too Karen! Thanks so much for this data I've been searching for something like this. Hope he makes one for phalloplasties too.
That letter tells me that doctor has never actually seen the results first hand, observed the surgery (other than in a YouTube video) and certainly never carried out such a surgery. Nor should he as a General Surgeon which is what the NHS have the General Surgeons doing!
40 years ago there were a handful of surgeons that would carry out this surgery and they were some of the best reconstructive plastic surgeons in the world. Now they let any idiot do it and the results seem to speak for themselves. Plus you have the loons grafting tissue from all over the place trying to make it more like a vagina rather than just a copy with limited function.
The reality is and always was that, No it's not a vagina it's a copy (a fake) but done properly it can look aesthetically like a vulva from the exterior, but go in there with speculum and you would tell in an instant that it's not a real vagina. If cared for properly immediately post-op It will perform for the purposes of penetrative sex, that is where any similarity ends. I never had a single complication from the surgery and for the past 36 years it's performed perfectly adequately. In that time I have only had one, yes one UTI and have women friends who get them every other month. It does not require life long dilation in fact I haven't owned a dilator in almost 30 years, yes I'm married and we have sex but we are in our 60's now and we are not exactly at it like rabbits like were were when we were young. It does not close up!
Now the only time I have been near a vagina I was being forced out of it head first and I have never experienced a desire to go back in one since. But I don't live under a rock I have read medical books and seen photos and video. You would not know to look at it from the outside that it was a fake.
The real problem with trans identified men is not what they do to themselves (they are only one person or a tiny minority) , but what they do to all women - more than half the human race. Having worked for over half a century to help shield women from male violence by helping to create shelters and refuges where women could escape from male violence, I now see men invading these shelters and threatening to shut them down if they don't allow men admission. As a result, some women leave or won't even seek entrance to these shelters. This is also happening at gyms, fitness centers, in women's sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms, etc. Many women and girls no longer feel comfortable or safe. My tween niece and her friends, at their sensitive age, can no longer use the bathrooms at school for fear of encountering boys there. Waiting till they get home is so bad for their health. I know that trans female impersonators possess a normal range of intelligence and have the capacity to see the enormous harm they are inflicting on women and girls, yet this is of absolutely no concern to them. They are so wrapped up in their own selfish, irrational desires that they refuse to consider the damage they are wreaking on everyone else. Their callousness is legendary. One is led to conclude that their hatred of women is so pervasive that they can't even imagine women as humans with feelings and goals of their own, but can trample over them like grass under their feet.
It is a sad reality but you are correct. All male trannies are men without exception. So many of them are just that. controlling men who seek to dominate the women they envy. Even a fair percentage of the homosexual cohort fit that envious group profile strangely enough. Few of them have ever spent time amongst women or have any understanding of their lives. Very few trannies know the difference its hardly surprising that women or even normal people do.
Also you can orgasm perfectly well post op not because you're a "Laydee now" but because you are male and have a prostate gland. The "skin lined crotch hole" is aligned next to the prostate and if you stimulate a mans prostate as happens during penetrative sex he will orgasm! Simple mechanics.
It is muscular it passes through the pelvic muscles and you can contract it quite forcibly.
Walter Benjamin wrote in the early 20th century about the confusion arising from mechanical reproduction of real things. He was speaking of film, but plastic surgery that creates superficial, pared down aesthetic representations of a rich fully manifested being in the world is also well described by his concept. One problem with this approach to reality is that it drives its consumers insane, by separating them from themselves in the world, with all its disappointments and challenges, and converts them into consumers subordinates to a fascism of top down presentation of chopped up fascimiles instead of fully lived life. Jean Baudrillard picked up where Benjamin left off, writing of the narcissism which develops along wirh this consumption of a selection of flat reality mimicking constructs instead of engagement with things as they are.
It's a hazard. I'm glad to see that you recognize you are a male, but the doctor who wrote this letter didn't need to see the surface of one plastic surgery's outcome to know that what's inserted into and attached onto the male body is not a vagina, and doesn't and can't function like one, not even because it (the recipient hopes) allows penetration, not even if it provides a novel point of access for the prostate.
I'm not going to get in to how it is to experience all these mobile tissues and operative cellular structures. Suffice to say it's an unlimitedly rich experience and I know how all those structures he listed feel in and of themselves as they exist in the world through me.
I have actually read The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, (although I read the French translation and French is not my first or even second language so some of it may have been lost to me and it was many years ago now). The issue with so called Gender Identity Disorder is the people who suffer it (and most who present for these surgeries don't have it) are already separated from themselves by the condition. It's a detachment disorder. This surgery is about management of the condition in extreme cases rather than some magical becoming, which is how its being treated by so many of those who seek it and sold by those who perform it. That did not used to be the case commonly.
Life as s transsexual, no matter how personally or materially successful, is a life of compromise. You are not the thing you are seeking to appear as and never will be. However when you are so affected by a condition that your alternatives are even less acceptable or often because of your condition unacceptable, it becomes the only pathway left open to you. "Last Chance Saloon" as they say.
The problem with the current medical standard is that these surgeries are not just being carried out in the extreme cases. In the NHS it is being performed by anyone presenting and asking for them and in the case of the Private sector anyone able to pay. Without any thought of what potential perceived benefit the patient may actually attain or any rationale of how the impact of such surgeries will impact their lives.
That is very well explained and, I get a sense, perhaps also vulnerable, so thank you. I've experienced dissociation or detachment from my body a couple times--once my hands and the other times, just generally from my self. Both times were due to medication--there's a nasty habit these days of giving paych drugs off label for insomnia or pain. It was unpleasant. In the second case I think I got a taste of what Oliver Sacks described, writing about patients with neurological disorders who detached from a limb: he wrote that they often didn't just feel as though it wasn't theirs, their leg or whatever felt wrong and hideous, that they needed it far away from them. If that's what the true disorder is like, it sounds excruciating. When he was writing, there wasn't a great sense of how to treat it. My deep sympathy for anyone in that situation.
I don't think most people currently pursuing this medical option have that, you're right. I think they are uncomfortable with themselves. I know a few girls, all daughters of my friend circle. All three families have at least one cluster B parent, a deep lack of science or clear logic in the family discussion, and some sexual boundaries that aren't so great. Also two of them have close gay relatives and I think these girls might be misinterpreting how they are developing.
It's very sad, but I think these are more the type of people (the parents I mean) who've gone slightly mad through being consumers and by not being in touch with themselves. They've always been a little unserious. And the consumption of gender stereotypes really kicked in with social media's advent--I remember being disconcerted by it myself although I was in my 30s already. So these poor kids don't have much chance of an unmediated sense of themselves, I think.
This is separate yet again from the guys who pursue sissy porn. Any sort of intense addiction is destabilizing and being stuck in a computer for hours on end is destabilizing in its own way. But I think these disruptions fade away if a person really gives it up. Well, I'm speaking of intense computer work: changing jobs lets the mind breathe again after a while. I don't actually know about porn's effects. I spoke with someone who'd been into that and he said it was still with him and affecting him negatively, and I think this might be how some kink or dedication to practices works, in general.
But none of this strikes me as being the same as that dissociation I had imposed on me by those medications. I *think* it's likely that disorders brought on by acting in ways that are upsetting to the sense of self can be addressed in ways such as oh, maybe, cognitive behavioral therapy or by actions that are beneficial -- "touching grass". The medications' effects on my brain's knowledge of my body were deeper and felt fundamental. If that's the sort of disorder you mean, I could see the decision to make a last resort effort as you say. You're very right, no one is really making those rigorous evaluations. One of those families I know moved to a state where it's a lot easier, and that was that. Essentially the parents made the diagnosis and the decision. They pursued it as a commodity and yes I think a magical solution to minor problems or even goals -- (the child) is happier now, (the child) is very popular.
Very interesting points.
Yes the computer age has i agree been the catalyst which has led to the explosion of this dangerous ideological outlook, capture and derailment of what was and still is an exceedingly rare condition. So many of these younger people caught up are socially inept as a consequence of their insular lifestyles.
LOL! Here we are discussing this on a computer! But now I'm off to "touch some grass" as my husband and I are having lunch out with some agreeable friends. Enjoy your day.
This is an excellent analysis ! This needs to be published widely.
Will look for anything else this doctor posts.
Nothing more repulsive than a fuckhole drilled into a man’s crotch. And then TIMs wonder why only degenerates want them.
Definition of TROON from GLAAD:
“A slur used by transphobes to refer to and dehumanize transgender women. The term is a portmanteau of the words ‘trans’ and ‘goon,’ and carries the connotation that those accused of being ‘troons’ are using gender identity to hide sinister and potentially violent ends.”
Ironically, bizarrely, men have always been able discriminate against women, to keep women out of "men's" shelters on the grounds that women's safety would be in jeopardy if women were in residence with men. Something I have experienced myself as a teen fleeing a violent man. Now men say it's ridiculous to suppose that men in intimate women's spaces pose any threat to women. Of course, men have always endorsed, enforced discrimination against women FOREVER, whether keeping women out of professions, schools, sports, jobs. On what grounds? That women pose a threat to men's safety? That women are inferior and would lower their standards? More likely that it would interfere with restricting women to serving men's needs and desires.