Why was this ridiculous boy allowed to dress like an anime girl character? He obviously had deep issues. He didn’t deserve to die but he needed guidance from adults who could say no to him.
I have also seen his (now) deleted Instagram stories and he called himself 'Bimbo Girl' and posed in toilets with his tongue sticking out. This boy was a victim of PORN and the media are cropping all his photos to hide his anime styled Sailor Moon stockings. There is more to this story that will must be revealed!
He was a victim of porn abuse and the grown adult AGP men who were clearly egging the troubled boy on.
If his parents genuinely thought that the surface level "happiness" caused by the cross-dressing was a sustainable and truly positive thing rather than the maladaptive coping strategy that it was, he was a victim of parental neglect at the very least.
This was a young boy who was still engaged in a severe eating disorder and obvious self-harm. That he managed to be prescribed HRT in that condition should scandalise the TRAs currently singing his Head Teacher's praises, but of course it doesn't. Far be it for them to belatedly begin to care about the mental and physical health of the children caught up in their disgusting death cult.
How long will it take for the public to realize how dangerous and destructive it is to society to allow the lunacy that a human can change his/her sex. And how long before they realize that this utter nuttery is driven mostly by heterosexual male cross-dressers w/ paraphilias, autogynephiles/transvestic fetishists. These deviant males push the notion of 'trans' to kids, teens, and young adults in order to hide their paraphilias.
There is no such thing as a 'trans child' but the paraphilic men promoting it had to create the 'trans child' as cover just as they used LGBs and DSDs to confuse the public about who they are--men w/ paraphilias who've rebranded themselves as having a 'transgender identity.'
'Trans' rights stop where women's and LGB's sex-based rights start. Society cannot allow this fraud and deceit to continue and must stop the indoctrination of minors into this madness. Women, minors, and LGBs are the losers in this attempted shift in societal order-esp. women and minors-if we allow the legal fiction that a human can invade the opp. sex-class and commit a dangerous fraud on the public.
Thanks Karen, YouTube are obvs going to wipe comments on this one!
BUT in English law, it's impossible to defame the dead, so here we can say what we think.
I am astonished that a teacher of this actual kid is even allowed to share such intimate details about the SEN individual teaching of Brett, on social media. Whatever happened to student confidentiality? Their dwelling on the physical appearance of their pupil is questionable, to put it mildly. "Close relationships with teachers" - what, THIS teacher? Are any of the teachers at the school adherents of this cult, perhaps?
Well, this gives parents all over the UK another angle to get their kid statemented doesn't it? Just encourage them in cross--dressing! (Statementing can get the parents knock-on extras in the benefits system, by the way).
And if the SEN was "social anxiety ", how come the parents' impact statement talks about their "usually fearless child", applauds his TikToks (it's been alleged the mother made them, too) AND revels in the fact that they knew he was going to be a "Star" from when he was a toddler?
Sounds like they wanted him to be a UK version of Jazz Jennings and become a cash cow for them.
He was lured to his death in the park by the promise of illegally supplied drugs. Was he dealing drugs at school ? - that would definitely lead to an expulsion.
We have to wait until the sentencing to hear the name of the teenage murderers. Both are described as also having SEN- type traits like Autism. Early in the case social media was saying that one of them was also " trans" but because of sub judice that got quickly shut down. The killing is described as "frenzied and ferocious", which raises the possibility that the "Girl" might not be a girl.
Finally, look at the picture of him with his mum in the Telegraph on 21 December and tell me this looks like healthy parenting.
Yes, I have always thought that the "girl" involved was unlikely to be one. That said, I did see the term "cis girl" being thrown around in at least one article about the trial the other day. We shall have to wait until they are sent down, I guess.
"he was not in the main body of the school due to his social anxiety."
Meaning the administrators knew and understood what a toxic mix his presence in "the main body of the school" would be. They should have pulled him out and sent him straight to state therapy (isn't government paid therapy a thing in the U.k.?)
As an aside: Not sure about the U.K., but I don't think there's many schools here in the U.S. that would allow an actual female student to dress like that at school.
I've read so many articles about some teenage girl being sent home or suspended because of something like a "spagetti strap" top. What if she had been wearing a tiny short skirt with over the knee leggings and pump heels?
I think we all know what kind of hell-fire would reign down on an actual female for wearing this kind of garb at school.
And how must the girl students feel to have this pornified creature celebrated and “affirmed” as the epitome of femininity? Repulsive performances by all.
"And how must the girl students feel..." Indeed. Also the boy students seeing him being given privileges for dressing as a girl. (Can go in girls' bathrooms, locker rooms, and play on their sports teams)
I think most kids don't care how their peers dress (especially these days).
I think the real problem is when kids see that certain peers are getting special privileges as a result of their 'out of the norm' behavior. Then that 'out of the norm behavior' becomes the crux of their ire, instead of the fact that those privileges are being bestowed by adults, administrators, school boards, etc.. We as adults can see who, ultimately, is at fault; kids just turn their anger toward the subject of the unfair privileges.
I'm not trying to justify, in any way, the m****r of this child. But we as adults need to understand that kids typically aren't mature enough to separate the unfair privileges the peer is getting from the people who
are allowing it, even enabling it. So they focus their resentment on the peer, girls and boys alike.
I got in trouble for "uniform violations" pretty much constantly between the ages of 13 and 16. My mum is an old hippy type who really *hated* the fact that she had gone to a school with a very strict uniform policy, so she often used to stick up for me when I really got into trouble.
As much as it pains me to say it - as an adult I can actually see the many positives in having ALL school students wear a uniform that draws attention *away* from their rapidly changing bodies and, more importantly, the fact that some come from comparatively poorer homes. These are laudable goals which simply cannot be met unless the uniform rules are applied to *everyone* equally. The school in question failed this boy spectacularly by not enforcing the rules in his "special case". The suddenly radically different behaviour and dress should have prompted an inquiry into what was going on at home, but it seems to me that the abject fear of being accused of harbouring "phobias" prevented that.
I am very sick of seeing the obvious lies on social media about how an actual ordinary female student would have been treated had she turned up to the school in "lolicon garb". We all know that it would never have been tolerated. But this trans-identifying kid? Red flag after red flag ignored until his life was a misery and he had to be furnished with an "alternative learning program". Anyone who has actually worked in a school can tell you just how "happy" those poor kids are. 🙄
Omg this bloke. I've been reading and laughing at his Medium for months and just recently saw he's on YouTube too. He is not very bright but he is very selfish and paraphilic. He reckons he's got high estrogen levels naturally because he's got moobs.
Why was the surname 'Ghey' chosen? It sounds the same as gay, obvs, & I can't help wondering if he chose it to say - I am gay. His mother mayve wanted to 'trans the gay away'. Most of these kids parents are either peculiar or easily led. But the main thing that I found weird about the case was the emphasis on his appearance n his clothes n how witty n flamboyant he was. No wonder he was in special education. That is all code for piss taking.
Why was this ridiculous boy allowed to dress like an anime girl character? He obviously had deep issues. He didn’t deserve to die but he needed guidance from adults who could say no to him.
I have also seen his (now) deleted Instagram stories and he called himself 'Bimbo Girl' and posed in toilets with his tongue sticking out. This boy was a victim of PORN and the media are cropping all his photos to hide his anime styled Sailor Moon stockings. There is more to this story that will must be revealed!
He was a victim of porn abuse and the grown adult AGP men who were clearly egging the troubled boy on.
If his parents genuinely thought that the surface level "happiness" caused by the cross-dressing was a sustainable and truly positive thing rather than the maladaptive coping strategy that it was, he was a victim of parental neglect at the very least.
This was a young boy who was still engaged in a severe eating disorder and obvious self-harm. That he managed to be prescribed HRT in that condition should scandalise the TRAs currently singing his Head Teacher's praises, but of course it doesn't. Far be it for them to belatedly begin to care about the mental and physical health of the children caught up in their disgusting death cult.
How long will it take for the public to realize how dangerous and destructive it is to society to allow the lunacy that a human can change his/her sex. And how long before they realize that this utter nuttery is driven mostly by heterosexual male cross-dressers w/ paraphilias, autogynephiles/transvestic fetishists. These deviant males push the notion of 'trans' to kids, teens, and young adults in order to hide their paraphilias.
There is no such thing as a 'trans child' but the paraphilic men promoting it had to create the 'trans child' as cover just as they used LGBs and DSDs to confuse the public about who they are--men w/ paraphilias who've rebranded themselves as having a 'transgender identity.'
'Trans' rights stop where women's and LGB's sex-based rights start. Society cannot allow this fraud and deceit to continue and must stop the indoctrination of minors into this madness. Women, minors, and LGBs are the losers in this attempted shift in societal order-esp. women and minors-if we allow the legal fiction that a human can invade the opp. sex-class and commit a dangerous fraud on the public.
Brilliant post and well said in my view.
Thanks Karen, YouTube are obvs going to wipe comments on this one!
BUT in English law, it's impossible to defame the dead, so here we can say what we think.
I am astonished that a teacher of this actual kid is even allowed to share such intimate details about the SEN individual teaching of Brett, on social media. Whatever happened to student confidentiality? Their dwelling on the physical appearance of their pupil is questionable, to put it mildly. "Close relationships with teachers" - what, THIS teacher? Are any of the teachers at the school adherents of this cult, perhaps?
Well, this gives parents all over the UK another angle to get their kid statemented doesn't it? Just encourage them in cross--dressing! (Statementing can get the parents knock-on extras in the benefits system, by the way).
And if the SEN was "social anxiety ", how come the parents' impact statement talks about their "usually fearless child", applauds his TikToks (it's been alleged the mother made them, too) AND revels in the fact that they knew he was going to be a "Star" from when he was a toddler?
Sounds like they wanted him to be a UK version of Jazz Jennings and become a cash cow for them.
He was lured to his death in the park by the promise of illegally supplied drugs. Was he dealing drugs at school ? - that would definitely lead to an expulsion.
We have to wait until the sentencing to hear the name of the teenage murderers. Both are described as also having SEN- type traits like Autism. Early in the case social media was saying that one of them was also " trans" but because of sub judice that got quickly shut down. The killing is described as "frenzied and ferocious", which raises the possibility that the "Girl" might not be a girl.
Finally, look at the picture of him with his mum in the Telegraph on 21 December and tell me this looks like healthy parenting.
It looks like the mum was living through her child and loving the limelight.
As is often the case with the parents of so called trans kids.
Transhausen by proxy
Spot on, Stella.
Yes, I have always thought that the "girl" involved was unlikely to be one. That said, I did see the term "cis girl" being thrown around in at least one article about the trial the other day. We shall have to wait until they are sent down, I guess.
"Girl X had traces of ADHD and autism."...
"he was not in the main body of the school due to his social anxiety."
Meaning the administrators knew and understood what a toxic mix his presence in "the main body of the school" would be. They should have pulled him out and sent him straight to state therapy (isn't government paid therapy a thing in the U.k.?)
As an aside: Not sure about the U.K., but I don't think there's many schools here in the U.S. that would allow an actual female student to dress like that at school.
I've read so many articles about some teenage girl being sent home or suspended because of something like a "spagetti strap" top. What if she had been wearing a tiny short skirt with over the knee leggings and pump heels?
I think we all know what kind of hell-fire would reign down on an actual female for wearing this kind of garb at school.
indeed: why would parents let that boy leave the house dressed like that......
You can tell he’s a boy because any girl would have been given a dress code violation for that skirt.
And how must the girl students feel to have this pornified creature celebrated and “affirmed” as the epitome of femininity? Repulsive performances by all.
"And how must the girl students feel..." Indeed. Also the boy students seeing him being given privileges for dressing as a girl. (Can go in girls' bathrooms, locker rooms, and play on their sports teams)
I think most kids don't care how their peers dress (especially these days).
I think the real problem is when kids see that certain peers are getting special privileges as a result of their 'out of the norm' behavior. Then that 'out of the norm behavior' becomes the crux of their ire, instead of the fact that those privileges are being bestowed by adults, administrators, school boards, etc.. We as adults can see who, ultimately, is at fault; kids just turn their anger toward the subject of the unfair privileges.
I'm not trying to justify, in any way, the m****r of this child. But we as adults need to understand that kids typically aren't mature enough to separate the unfair privileges the peer is getting from the people who
are allowing it, even enabling it. So they focus their resentment on the peer, girls and boys alike.
I'd be interested in knowing what kind of 'uniform' the girls in that excuse for an educational establishment get away with wearing.
To be honest I used to roll up the waistband of my skirt once I left the house. I was however always told to unroll it when I got to school!
I got in trouble for "uniform violations" pretty much constantly between the ages of 13 and 16. My mum is an old hippy type who really *hated* the fact that she had gone to a school with a very strict uniform policy, so she often used to stick up for me when I really got into trouble.
As much as it pains me to say it - as an adult I can actually see the many positives in having ALL school students wear a uniform that draws attention *away* from their rapidly changing bodies and, more importantly, the fact that some come from comparatively poorer homes. These are laudable goals which simply cannot be met unless the uniform rules are applied to *everyone* equally. The school in question failed this boy spectacularly by not enforcing the rules in his "special case". The suddenly radically different behaviour and dress should have prompted an inquiry into what was going on at home, but it seems to me that the abject fear of being accused of harbouring "phobias" prevented that.
I am very sick of seeing the obvious lies on social media about how an actual ordinary female student would have been treated had she turned up to the school in "lolicon garb". We all know that it would never have been tolerated. But this trans-identifying kid? Red flag after red flag ignored until his life was a misery and he had to be furnished with an "alternative learning program". Anyone who has actually worked in a school can tell you just how "happy" those poor kids are. 🙄
This clown is spectacular and you'd have a lot of fun with him. A one man Reddit thread 😂
Wow! Typical male AGP!
He is ridiculous.
I loathe how these men adapt their idea of the trappings of women. They actually think this what being a woman is.
What a pathetic excuse of a man.
Omg this bloke. I've been reading and laughing at his Medium for months and just recently saw he's on YouTube too. He is not very bright but he is very selfish and paraphilic. He reckons he's got high estrogen levels naturally because he's got moobs.
He looks like all the other ones I've seen, all dressed up if they're in an anime book or film. Anime is a gateway drug.
Comments are disabled on YouTube!
Now they are not disabled! They are back.
This story is rotten to the core.
that read like a love letter, who IS this teacher?!
Hey there. I am late catching up. Thanks for all you do. Happy New Year !
Why was the surname 'Ghey' chosen? It sounds the same as gay, obvs, & I can't help wondering if he chose it to say - I am gay. His mother mayve wanted to 'trans the gay away'. Most of these kids parents are either peculiar or easily led. But the main thing that I found weird about the case was the emphasis on his appearance n his clothes n how witty n flamboyant he was. No wonder he was in special education. That is all code for piss taking.