
I think the majority of Americans are absolutely fed up with these perverts. They see this as an attack on their daughters.

IRL I have never seen a small troon, they have all been extra large. Also, the women that larp as men have all been petite. Hmmm, what is that about? Theories?

The AP voted for Khelif to be their third pick for female athlete of the year. They have demonstrated repeatedly they are on the T train.

The sports bill failed because the Democratic party has gone batshit crazy, In a multitude of ways, and does not think women and girls are entitled to boundaries. That they must cater to twisted male fantasy/fetish/delusion. That it is just fine to abuse women and girls, demonstrated in a variety of ways with their current approach to criminal justice.. They are as lost as lost could be, and there is no reason to believe they have learned, or will learn, a damn thing from losing the election.

A bit of good news from the one state that turned even more blue during the election (there is a bit of debate about that), WA parents filed a Title IX complaint against WA state. This may be how we quash males in female sports, each state that allows it has parents/students file a Title IX complaint. This should have been done years ago because these states have been breaking the law all along.

Here's a bit of info-


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The Dem establishment’s priority is indulging the trans-cult and illegal immigrants. They have to know that most voters, including many Democrat voters, are against this insanity, but they don’t care. Enforcing immigration laws and protecting female sports and spaces is nonpartisan to sane folks!

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As long as they can dangle the abortion carrot I think they think they are somehow safe, even despite losing elections. Their whole strategy is screwy. Maybe they all need to be drug tested.

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It seems pretty clear to me as an outsider that the entire Democratic party is a paid-up shill for some tentacle or other of the pharmaceutical industry. I mean - surely, surely this is the explanation for their complete and utter capture?

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A 6 or 7 year old trans child did not come to that decision without help. Leave children alone.🤬

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There’s no such thing as a ‘trans child’, just children who are easily manipulated by adults & peers to think they were ‘born in the wrong body’ & will need surgeries on their genitals & a lifetime of drugs to ‘fix’ themselves.

‘Trans’ is an ideological concept, a made up thing, not a real thing. Anyone who feels uncomfortable in their body is likely to be channelled down the ‘trans’ route these days. It’s total madness.

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Indeed Karen, agree. Yes, but the Democrat Women Senators who voted 'No' wore pink tonight during the speech tonight to show solidarity with women. 🤷🏽 These folks are aware of what we value and how we feel about this issue. Either they do not share my values or they are betraying themselves. What the Democrats do ... I've given that up to God.

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Kind of at the point where I think the Democrats could use some God, which is an indicator of how far off the deep end I think they have gone since I'm a life long atheist. No longer convinced that the people who say the Democratic party is possessed by demons are wrong.

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I was just about to say, despite holding back previously, that it's as clear as daylight to me that these people are operating under demonic possession. This thing is totally spiritual. They need God and prayers.

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I hear ya! I'm a free will Catholic, also believe in nurture and nature, so folks, if without mental defect and average intelligence, are freely making choices.

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Could they be more tone-deaf? JFC

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Clown! Clown? Leigh Finke? Recipient of Minnesota's Woman of the Year award 2023, surely not! 🤣

Dainty little Leigh? https://transequality.org/elections/endorsements

Another straight porn sick married dude who abandoned his wife and two kids to play dress up and pretend lesbian full time.

As a general observation it's usually the gay trannies which are small and of slight build, even the taller ones tended to be really skinny with narrow frames.

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Oh, isn't he just luvverly! 🤭😂

Seriously, I do wonder what possesses people to vote for *most* politicians - but that dude is genuinely beyond the pale. I guess that the number of those with latent or full-blown TDS must be much higher than I previously thought. IDK...

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A couple of points. Number one people who don’t know the issue have their reason disabled by the reference to ‘trans kids’. Number two they think that the male offenders are castrated effeminate gay guys who can’t possibly pose a threat to women. Wrong

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men men men men men men men men men men

history did look favourably on men but I have a feeling we are running out of that

women really need to stop breeding the males of this species

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I know you are right about how the Democrats see women, but I really don't understand how the female politicians don't see THEMSELVES as human beings. They are not only betraying the rest of womanhood, they are also betraying themselves, and I don't understand how they can possibly not see that.

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This is some really frustrating news for sure but if there's one positive that did come from this, it was a majority vote which signals that quite a lot of Americans actually agreed that men and boys participating in women and girls sports is not right and needs to end. Ignoring the annoying technicality, this does instill some hope that more people have woken up to this circus that has been plaguing America for the last few years and this is certainly better than 2016 when a lot of people were still believing in "trans" ideology". It feels like more and more people are waking up and that means that when this bill gets brought back up again, hopefully it will pass and hopefully it will be locked and sealed never to be tampered with again.

Again there's no doubt that it absolutely sucks that it didn't get passed at this time but the fight must go on and the tide is brewing.

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It might be a good thing this didn't pass given the issue that men/boys would still be allowed to be a part of our teams. People might say that's too picky but predators will look for *any* loophole, no matter how small, and given how bad things are right now, we need to be very careful how we proceed and make sure a bill isn't just us walking right into their open mouths. If we don't get this right the first go round, I'm not sure how much we're really helping ourselves and the women/girls of the future.

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I do agree with this perspective.

If I were to presume that this bill was :

1) submiitted quickly to maintain momentum

2) included the clause allowing males to practice because there is a known 'snag' in this area

3) served to reveal how Congressional Democrats vote on a bill where the language is clear eg female, male

then I might think this was strategic. Time will tell.

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Makes you wonder how much money the T Train movement is using to lobby this BS with Dem Senators with $$$$.

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Gender is a tool of oppression and I'm tired of conservative and liberal gender ideologies! Let's abolish sex-based stereotypes! I also think feminists need to be more strategic and don't get caught up in specific arguments. We need female-only spaces period. No justification needed (like Sal Grover says). The need for our single-sex spaces is so beyond arguments of a male's age, body modification, genitalia, size, strength, self-conception, etc. The whole world became a male-only space when male supremacy took over. Women fought and died for female-only spaces, and only had them a short time. We're just saying we want to hold onto them, in this still mostly male-only world. Rant over:)

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If we had a sane society and judicial system, it wouldn't matter if the filibuster were there or not because 100% of people would vote to ban men/boys from women's/girls' sports.

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