No such thing as a reasonable "trans" person. It is inherently unreasonable, fraudulent, to claim to be the sex that you are not. If Susan did not claim to be a man she would be scorned like any other female porn actress for making a living sticking things in her vagina. What man has ever made a living sticking anything in his vagina?! None!!!

I've said it many times before and will keep saying it, Angel is akin to a chainsmoker puffing away whilst telling children not to smoke. The best way to teach kids not to smoke is to not smoke yourself.

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When something as dystopian as "Feminist Porn Award" appears we know there is no hope left for women to be seen as human beings. It is just as dystopian as "reasonable trans"!!!

I feel more and more like we live in a Kafka novel: nightmarishly absurd!!! When will it be enough? I wonder when will it be normal to be normal again.

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Until Buck's recent epiphany Buck was responsible for promoting this all over the world that's a hell of legacy to make up for.

I don't judge the porn stuff, people do what they need to do to survive (Sex work is not a choice it's a lack of choice)

But even now Buck is still inadvertently pushing this crap banging on about "Our Community". Confused kids still see Buck and think "Oh I can be one of the good ones like Buck"

Just shut the Buck Up

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Well said, I totally agree with you - you just pointed out 3 really important points that people like Buck always fail to address (-her legacy of spreading pro-trans ideology, -the fact that prostitution is never a choice but a lack of choice, and -the fact that she is still promoting harm & harmful life choices as a positive thing). They never want to talk about or even acknowledge the real impact of their behaviour, or of their lies, do they. I love your comment here, it's perfect - Thank you!

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I wonder if JK Rowling is aware of Buck's role in helping a minor girl transistion. She even admitted it on a livestream on YouTube, but supports her decision because she is close with the mother.

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Buck Angel is reportedly 5'9" I suspect person next to Buck in that photo is a 6' + tranny.

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Yeah, 6ft3 or 4 according to a conversation I happened upon on Xwitter not too long ago. Interestingly though, Buck claimed to have believed that the individual in question was, in fact a "natal female"... 🤡🙃🤭

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I suppose there are women that tall but they are very few and far between! I have only ever known one woman who was 6ft4 but she was Dutch (they are very tall people usually). Her two brothers were 6ft8 and 6ft7! I looked like a Munchkin stood with them. 😂

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I am so bloody sick of this ivory tower schmoozing and ego stroking. How do people not see how obviously cliquey this all is? I do judge Buck's history in porn because she speaks about it so fondly, promoted it for ages, and pimped out so many young women. Not to mention the sex toys she makes specifically for women with enlarged clitorises (but is totes against child transitioning 🙄) talking to children online, bragging about how gay men liked her female genitalia (conversion therapy, anyone?). She also, to my knowledge, has not shown any remorse or regret for any of this (last I'd checked, her PH page was still up so she was still taking money from those nasty mfers). And if you point any of this out, even in a delicate manner, she calls you a cunt, throws a woman hating fit, and blocks you. I'll always appreciate Gendermapper for looking into Buck and Blaire (though most of her videos have been taken down by now, not by her.)

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Buck, Blair, Marcus and the rest of these damaged people simply are rats jumping a sinking trans ship. They have now hopped onto The CIS CIS Reasonable Troon because they all want and need the attention and they want to escape the backlash/reckoning that is going to be a tsunami.

There is no such thing as a reasonable, based troon. They are sadly and pathetically mentally ill, selfish and self hating perverts.

Susan is a ridiculous woman.

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I'm with the guy who described Miss Angel as a sexual deviant.

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There is certainly *nothing* brave about harassing a straight-talking gay man°° in a homophobic manner because he is prepared to honestly appraise and discuss the ideology one has hidden behind over the course of their entire career.

°°Mr Menno

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I adore Mr. Menno! He’s an excellent example of a gay man who not only doesn’t hate women, but doesn’t hate himself (or anymore, anyway). I’m now going to find a video of him talking about this woman, since I must’ve missed it!

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He has made at least one video about Buck’s duplicity, but she's been the most vicious and vindictively petty towards him on Xwitter, accusing him of being a “bitter detransitioned trans woman”, a “cross dresser” and called him a “shim” etc.

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its a little disappointing to see GC ppl laud ppl who promote the lie that trans helped them becuase it gives weight to the lie that gender care helps when we know theres zero evidence of that and to claim there is harms ppl. still, saying someone is brave isnt exactly an endorsement. even your worst enemy can be brave. certainly ppl who ID as trans suffer and are brave, just the same as anyone else does. sometimes i think the entire reason some ID as trans is for ppl to recognize they suffer. so im willing to recognize that right away to save them the trouble of wrecking their health.

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The big guy's name is Nicolette Von Wagner and the photo is even years old.

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I do also believe that before Buck/Susan became a "reasonable" troon she helped encourage the daughter of one of her girlfriend's to trans

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