Jun 12Liked by Karen Davis

The FBI (Fumbling Bumbling Idiots) is controlled by the President. Lately, these dopes can't investigate out of a paper bag. They have become such an embarrassment to law enforcement! My opinion is, they are protecting the TQ+ agenda. They don't want to shine the light on their cult and since Creepy Joe is a puppet to the TQ+, they want to sweep this under the rug. I'm also sure, the hospital and psychiatrists are all scrambling to avoid a lawsuit for failing this girl. My thoughts are, Audrey Hale made this a public issue when she walked into that school and murdered those children and adults. This isn't a top secret or classified documents, so the FBI has no right to hide her journals from the public. Not like Creepy Joe squirrelling away classified documents in his homes or Trump for that matter.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Karen Davis

It's very common for these mass shooters to desire fame, and to prefer posthumous fame to continued existence. This is why psychiatrist Park Dietz has been campaigning for decades to discourage nationwide, sensationalized reporting on these events. He says that in the days after such an event news reporting should be limited to local news sources, be brief and factual, and not include photos of the perpetrators or detailed descriptions of methods or body counts. These are time-tested methods of preventing such events becoming contagious. Those of us old enough to remember Columbine remember the news coverage was not nearly as extensive or as perpetrator-focused, instead focusing on the stories of survivors and victims.

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Jun 12Liked by Karen Davis

I couldn't edit, so I add here. It's one thing to study these perpetrators later, as facts come out. This is not the same thing as Screaming Nationwide Headlines breathlessly going into all sorts of details about the perpetrators in the days while the event is still fresh in people's minds. These perpetrators want the latter, not the former.

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Jun 12Liked by Karen Davis

The FBI wants it covered up because Hale was one of their operatives that they had groomed into doing this. They seek out troubled youth and "recruit" them for heinous crimes so that the sheep of society demand safety over freedom thus allowing the government control and oppression over the ones who used to be "We the people". Freedom is no longer the backbone of the USA. it isn't even a pinky toe, yet Americans wave the flag and claim freedom. They are brainwashed and the brainwashing started in the public school system.

I know this seems "out there" to some but I have learned a bit in my old age and what I have learned just ain't pretty. Sad.

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Jun 12Liked by Karen Davis

If a person has bought into the idea that they are the opp sex or can change to the opp sex and never accept the futility of it they live a lie and a life of miserable longing for the unobtainable. Once the futility of changing one's sex is realized it may be difficult to accept but also liberating as well I should think b/c that incompletable 'journey' can finally come to an end and they can return to reality and maybe accept themselves as they are and get on w/ some kind of a life. And societies need to be about the business of eliminating as much as is possible the scourge of misogyny and homophobia.

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Yes. I don't know if it's possible to emphasise this enough. All of these people seem to speak of putting aspects of their life on hold until that mythical day when they finally "pass enough".

For many that either never happens, or they're still wracked with an understandable sense of anxiety because they ultimately know that they're just pretending.

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"but also liberating as well" <- personally, this is very true. Just the belief in transness can be absolutely malignant and make a person feel inescapably isolated from society going on around them.

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If they would realize that they're a different kind of man instead of thinking that they are any kind of a woman and that they're just men living a fetish fantasy the boundaries would be clearer. These males can indulge their paraphilia privately but when they insist on legal recognition for it as a civil right and expect the whole of society to abide by that absurd fiction we have a problem.

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Yes, no wonder so many of them are so willing to buy into the whole concept of belonging to a "marginalised" group. The reality though, is that they are misinterpreting pushback on demands for special treatment.

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What is so difficult is that the opp-sex impersonators are so self-centered that they can't see how their sense of entitlement to appropriate and colonise the opp-sex (and I mean mainly men, esp. AGPs b/c the women larpers are not the same threat) tramples on others' pre-existing rights and private spaces. The narcissism is astounding.

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Yes, it's incredible but really speaks to the difference between the motivations of the men and women who choose to join this movement, doesn't it?

Don't get me wrong, many of the women also display high levels of narcissism too, but we see it so strikingly in the criminal pathology seen with so many TIMs.

We also see it in the amusing way in which they seem oblivious to just how poorly they "pass" lol.

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Jun 12Liked by Karen Davis

I do believe it would benefit the entire society if individuals who commit these kind of acts are denied citizenship and a name. Once they become unnamed the claim to fame dissapears which will take a lot of appeal away from the infamy. They can all become a collective dark whole of distruction that has no name and no fame. After all the kind of darkness they represent is exactly that way.

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I didn't realize I had the power to stop people from their "magical transition. Maybe it's so easy to stop the imaginary transition, because they can never actually achieve their goal. But it's nice to have terfs to blame for their inability to change sex. Transition goals need to shift from cosmetic changes to actual mental healthcare.

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That is what the trans cult offers angry/sad/confused people --- a simple answer and a group of enemies to blame for all their issues. Sort of like how the manosphere losers like Tate feed off male misery by making sure that men stay miserable and bitter while blaming women for all their problems.

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Interesting psych work in attempting to explain why that particular school...going back in time...going home...to a place where she had no control, no means of asserting herself. makes sense to me. so in killing those children was she killing her young, helpless self? thus asserting control...

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I don't remember: was she on psychiatric meds? Was she under treatment of any kind? She was a ticking time bomb and nobody noticed around her?

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

She was on a couple of different antidepressants including an SSRI or SNRI, a MAO inhibitor and what sounded like one of the newer atypical antipsychotic/anxyolitic medications, IIRC.

It sounds like a lot - which it was, but that doesn't stop certain doctors from prescribing these cocktails to those with autism. Including children! I've worked with a few kids on all three of these types of meds at once, some of them only seven years old.

Thankfully the practice is still frowned upon both socially and professionally where I live, but some neurodivergent kids really are A LOT of work.

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Psychiatrists have been aweful at loading up people on psyche meds We deserve to see her psychological autopsy

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Pretty sure she was. Most of these perpetrators are.

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She also maybe figured that since it is men who become shooters that this act might affirm for her that she was indeed male. Of course she was not. Some of those meds can cause emotional numbing which might contribute to narcsisim in some people.

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The person who " apparently leaked "this info was is being threatened to be thrown in jail

Now there was reports she had been involved with a teacher at the other school she originally was going to go to for the shooting The relationship had ended

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The motive was revenge on the world.

Remember Doc Holliday, from the movie Tombstone?

Wyatt Earp:

What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does?

Doc Holliday:

A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of himself. And he can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.

Wyatt Earp:

What does he want?

Doc Holliday:


Wyatt Earp:

For what?

Doc Holliday:

Bein' born.

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I'm kind of surprised that the mmm didn't take the non affirmed aspect of Hales writings and run with it. Saying that if she had just been affirmed by her parents as the opposite gender, then she wouldn't have become so angry and resentful, etc. Still waiting for that to be the popularized narrative.

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When they say "better to have a live daughter than a dead son" what they really mean is "better to have a straight daughter than a gay son." So much of this ideology is a cover for hatred towards the same sex attracted. If she had found lesbian resources and received non-judgmental mental health care, she would still be alive as would her victims.

As for the cops, referring to criminal evidence as "legacy tokens" is alarming. The public has a right to know why mass violence is taking place in order to develop preventive measures like funding public health and becoming a more tolerant society. It would also alert us to how dangerous the trans cult is becoming given how many of the recent mass shooting events were caused by trans identifying individuals.

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Didn't this take place on the "Trans Day of Vengeance?"

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It was four days prior on the 27th of March. Did she mention TDOV in her manifesto at all?

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