Jun 11Liked by Karen Davis

If I had to guess, her shrink was too concerned about her gender identity to pay attention to her actual problems.

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Jun 11Liked by Karen Davis

never easy to find a good therapist, and today nearly impossible due to the total freaks running the joint.

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Jun 11Liked by Karen Davis

"White Nothingness" sounds like a great title for an emo album. Hide your butter knives!

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Jun 11Liked by Karen Davis

you did say that Hale had psych problems since she was SIX years old?! I'm wondering what the hell happened before she was six to bring this about. and also I wonder how she apparently got so psych savvy as to slip through so many checkpoints. thanks, Karen. I think it's worthwhile to look at this further.

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Jun 11Liked by Karen Davis

Yeah, while it's incredibly rare for any kid to be treated by a shrink from such an early age that without further details the first suspicion will often be that the parents have fvcked them up somehow in addition to casting them in the role of "sick child" of the family, we of course know how her life ended. She could have been the one in a million who was "off" since early childhood.

So sad no matter what happened.

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who else besides the parents could fuck up a six (and under) year old? a child is a very very needy being, and if those needs are not met, then.... other animals know this about their offspring and meet their needs or the baby dies.

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All things being equal, I agree. True mental illness in children prior to puberty is vanishingly rare and never an excuse for medicalised abuse.

Ordinarily, psychiatrists and psychologists would be all over parents who present a child that young for psychiatric treatment - autism diagnoses notwithstanding. Why do I get the impression that Audrey Hale was failed by the very systems supposed to weed out abuse ever since she was virtually a babe in arms? Why is the media ignoring this tragedy and the other several like it? It's a massive scandal.

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Honestly, I think for decades, the psychiatric community has turned a blind eye to difficult patients and/or the therapists are just being lazy. If they can't solve someone issues within a short period of time through meds and talking. They just go through the motions to say, the patient is being seen with never reaching a resolution, because that's too much work.

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The psychiatric community has for some time been laboring under the delusion that mental illness is caused by a "chemical imbalance." Of course this fits in just fine for the pharmaceutical industry which seems to control the lions share of u.s. institutions.

Also, very few people are willing to pay for what I would call legitimate therapy, the kind that can take a long time depending upon the particular problems. And insurance companies will only pay for so many sessions.

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Jun 11Liked by Karen Davis

I think this disturbed young woman was failed by the systems put in place to safeguard her.

A 6 year old with psychologica issues has more red flags than chairman Mao and to add in the crazy social justice crap that society is pushing, made Audrey a ticking time bomb.

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100% Truth!

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Jun 11Liked by Karen Davis

To me, the fact that so many seem to genuinely believe that an immutable characteristic such as sex which is encoded in essentially every cell in the body should be, or is, less significant than what "race" they are identified as belonging to, whether by themselves or the rest of society. "Race, " after all, is not considered to even exist from a strictly scientific POV, yet the phenotypical appearance one happened to by chance inherit is deemed to be far more important by the Woke than whether one is male or female - something which has such a substantive base of evidence behind it proving the most profound links to both the differences in our physiology and evolved behaviours that it is beyond all rational dispute.

Such a bewilderingly idiotic scenario seems to be truly beyond the scope of any episode of Black Mirror even imaginable.

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Jun 11Liked by Karen Davis

The wokian arguments about 'why transgendew is obviously fine but transracial is evil' are hilarious (in a way), aren't they 🙃

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So true. You said even down to the cells. You're so right. I used to work in a medical laboratory. Many tests are sex/gender specific as to their normal values. What is normal in a man may not be normal in a woman and the other way around. There are certain normal values placed for different ages in children (up to 18) as well. Imagine how puberty blockers could screw up anyone's natural chemistries. Really, humans need to quit trying to play God.

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Yes. So many seem to forget (or maybe just want to forget) that we are all a part of nature, that we are a mammalian species.

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Jun 11Liked by Karen Davis

"White Nothingness" Hmm sounds like a Radiohead Album

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Another excellent point Karen made is the question of WHY DOES THE GOVERNMENT TRY TO HIDE THIS? God bless the folks at Tennessee Star and God bless Karen Davis.

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14:15 Karen is 100% Right again. It's the new segregation. The white leftists want the black people to believe that the only reason black people succeed is because the white people ALLOWED it. How racist is that????? They are literally saying, "If it weren't for us white folks, you black folks wouldn't have anything." What a horrible way of thinking. All of the govt aide and stuff directed at the black people is the whites' way of saying "You can't do this without your help." I call 🐂💩.

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Yes. The woke "anti racism" is just an even worse and more regressive form of social control. It's deeply, deeply racist and anti-human.

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The "white guilt" is being implanted our children in the indoctrination centers they call school. Even in our small ranching community school. They started it in my daughter and college and living in Portland pretty much pushed her over the edge into woke crazy. She had a fairly good childhood but to hear her, you'd think she was raised in total dysfunction. Hey, we weren't perfect but we were far from dysfunctional comparatively.

Eric D July said this on Twitter on 2-4-21: "They've got to make things seem like they aren't because they want an experience they never had." That struck a chord with me and thinking of kids now days.

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I'm so sorry. I can't imagine having had my family torn apart like that.

My childhood was far from perfect (who among us gets to have that?) but my parents did their best at least most of the time. I went through a phase of not being that close with them, but I never turned my back on them. I've seen so many families damaged by these ostensibly "liberal" but really hyper neo-capitalist and totalitarian ideologies.

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MK ULTRA... Manchurian Candidate. The CIA/military/deep-state have the resources and motive (gun control/security state) to carry this out. They've been doing it for some time now. Columbine was the first. Take a troubled kid and target them. The military has technology that can stimulate the inner cochlea with microwave radiation to cause people to hear sounds emanating from within their heads. They call it Voice of God. They used it in desert storm, they told the Iraqi's "drop your weapons, this is God." and many of them did.

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Right. FBI & CIA have been grooming troubled youth for many years, thus the rise in these shootings. That and the fact that humans are now taught not to value human life.

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not this Bitch!

cut ur damn Head Off

B4 hurting children

freak! no amounts of Meds .. and I have taken EVERYTHING! ... would convince me to Murder Children

not even like Phil Hartman's wife: "cocaine & Zoloft" = WEAK MINDED people preyed on by Medical field

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FtMs are all self-loathing. Their forums are rife with the most depressing, self hating complaints. That the psych community has not figured out that transition is a symptom, not a solution is proof they sold their souls to Big Pharma.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

White people are the source of all evil. I don't hate them but I just know the truth. They are the reason for all pain on this planet. It's white people who started this crazy trans stuff. If white people to think better of them, they should stop all the evil they commit.

And we don't need to go to school with white people to have a good education. I went to school with all Black people in Brooklyn and had an excellent education. And I went on to get a Masters degree from an Ivy league college. We are good enough on our own. And I still love myself. We don't need white people to have nice things.

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Jun 11Liked by Karen Davis

Did the white man force the black panthers to beat and sexually assault their female comrades? Did a white person force OJ to slaughter his ex-wife and her partner? What white person forced P Diddy to do all the disgusting things he's done? Was it a white man who brutalised Wendy Williams?… Personally, I don't think 'whiteness' is the common thread

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No. Plenty of humans of all races have proved to be abusive, even despotic assholes, particularly if they managed to accrue enough power. That seems to me to be the common thread.

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