I am so sick of the cowardice displayed by the media lately! Yesterday, I saw someone (a "news" service on X) referring to the German rapist and serial killer "The Pink Giant" aka Beate Schmidt with she/her pronouns. Repeatedly - despite the fact that multiple women complained and asked them to stop. Sick.
The press will do this, obscure identifying markers of at loose criminals, call sex trafficking victims 'sex workers', and say that a grown ass adult 'had an intimate relationship' with a child… And then claim to stand up for truth and justice
[/rant] tl;dr one does not like the current state of journalism 🤦♂️
Yes, with their female penises. And the rise in female pedophiles assaulting children. And the 100% biological women (who just happen to have been born male) competing in female sports and ruining female prospects for the future. All this despite the fact that sex change is impossible, and no men were born in the wrong body. It's pure male entitlement, and pure social psychosis to think otherwise.
Historically, I'm talking 40 years ago. When they assessed you for cross sex HRT, if they didn't observe any level of improvement of your mental health from the treatment they would stop it and remove you from hormone treatment. These days they don't even assess them for other mental instabilities before prescribing it to them! Seems to me most of these guys are nuts long before they ever swallow a hormone pill.
I've known several people who have been on cross-sex hormones for 50 years. Yes - I am that old, lol! I can tell you that their mental health symptoms have either persisted or worsened over time, despite surgeries, despite continued access to said hormones. Anxiety, depression some degree of paranoia/derealization and OCD-type symptoms are the most common that I have observed. These are people I've known and loved over a lifetime - and yes, I was a mental health professoinal trained and qualified to diagnose such features.
This is why the U.S. needs laws that recognize calling men women and vice versa as personal data falsification and, therefore, prohibit it. "Gender" and "preferred pronouns" must be seen for what they are: a fiction that lives only in delusional people's heads. And these laws must be launched quickly before the political climate changes back to wokeism (who knows what the next elections will result in). and, of course, crossdressing must be banned as well.
I'd go further and advocate for gender to be removed from our vocabulary on the basis of causing societal confusion. Period.
In the UK, up until literally a decade ago, gender was synonymous with sex with a nuance on sex being about the biological and gender being about the roles that society and nature put on females and males/men and women. The nature v nurture debate in sociology. Gender could not exist without biological sex, which it was based upon.
Gender studies used to be about the various ways women/females were oppressed in society purely based on their sex and how males/men enjoyed privileges in society purely based on their sex and how this played out blatantly or subtlely in every day expectations and interactions.
Now the meaning of gender has been completely hijacked, exploited, re-defined and corrupted to the point of non-recognition. As long as it exists, there will always be people that are running away from their sex. Gender is the get out card that allows them to twist it in to whatever shape and narrative they want, as they have done. Sex, they can't do that because it is scientific. It's immutable.
Bearing in mind that the definition of a woman is an adult, female, human being and the definition of a man is an adult, male, human being. So no confusion as to who is a man or who is a woman. Clothes and extreme surgery are irrelevant. Pronouns are sex-based and not subject to personal preferences.
Without gender to latch on to, what have they got? Just sex.That's when the bubble will finally burst. It will solidify that the only 2 identities that exist are sex based ie male or female/man or woman. How people express their unique 'personalities' within those confines, for the most part is up to them.
You cannot manufacture biology with a falsified printed out certificate. No man, should ever be able to claim or use the descriptor woman for himself or another man. The same goes for a woman attempting to utilise the descriptor man for herself or another woman.
Pronouns are sex-based and personal preferences should never have been indulged. Look at the confusion and utter conflict it has caused. A clear sign that it was never meant to be and it has worked against the natural order and harmony of how things are meant to be.
Unfortunately, men creeped into Women's Studies, eroded them into Gender Studies and gradually into Queer Studies featuring creepy buffoons peddling gobblegook Newspeak like Michel Foucault and Judith Butler and driving out women like Pauline Bart.
I read (in USA, could be different in UK) that Women's Studies were changed by Universities to Gender Studies so that male students would not treat WS courses like the plague, even when there was NO OTHER class open that would give them the 12 unit full load needed. They'd rather LOSE a semester than take a Women's Studies class. And that checks out in the wider world. Few men get to discover the secrets we learn in Women's Studies classes... (like, that woman have always been here making history with men).
It's supposed to be identity theft or identity fraud to use someone else's identity. Like impersonating a police officer, which, in fact, men often do to abduct and rape women and children. Obviously, these men are counting on the fact that women might not have the political power to enforce such a law in women's behalf.
Exactly! Especially when these creeps try to impersonate their wives/girlfriends or take the names of their female friends/family members. The whole thing is so gross and inappropriate on so many levels.
I live in Colorado and this is all over the news. One site just kept calling him by his last name while all the others called him she. In the comments of every news article I've seen I have posted his picture stating that he's no woman and journalism is dead. I'm surprised that more people are actually blasting the posters rather than us, the commenters calling them out... Of course I'm rural Colorado and we are totally different from the city folks.
I won't call a trans "woman" a woman at all, ever. I call them trans IDing male, or TiMs, but NEVER "woman". TiFs are so rare theres no need to discuss their non-happening crimes and demands.
Karen, don't know whether you realise it but the sound on the video is very, very warbley! It's awful. It probably got caught up in a bad connection. Not sure I can get through this video.
Karen's voice sounds like: I just walked into a room in a video game, a TV turns on, and the chick on the screen, with a glitchy voice, spends 2min telling me I'm going to die soon.
14:00 again, Karen is totally on point. The floodgates are definitely open. Kind of like when all the ghosts got released in "Ghostbusters". The original, I didn't watch the remake 😉
Sound sucks 👎
Yep, so bad I can't handle listening to it.
ah, I assumed it was my connection, on mobile data only. i only got thru the greeting.
It happens sometimes with Karen's videos, that the sound quality is bad. Then, she usually reposts them with good sound quality.
I am so sick of the cowardice displayed by the media lately! Yesterday, I saw someone (a "news" service on X) referring to the German rapist and serial killer "The Pink Giant" aka Beate Schmidt with she/her pronouns. Repeatedly - despite the fact that multiple women complained and asked them to stop. Sick.
The press will do this, obscure identifying markers of at loose criminals, call sex trafficking victims 'sex workers', and say that a grown ass adult 'had an intimate relationship' with a child… And then claim to stand up for truth and justice
[/rant] tl;dr one does not like the current state of journalism 🤦♂️
Hence the sudden increase in female rapists.
Yes, with their female penises. And the rise in female pedophiles assaulting children. And the 100% biological women (who just happen to have been born male) competing in female sports and ruining female prospects for the future. All this despite the fact that sex change is impossible, and no men were born in the wrong body. It's pure male entitlement, and pure social psychosis to think otherwise.
Historically, I'm talking 40 years ago. When they assessed you for cross sex HRT, if they didn't observe any level of improvement of your mental health from the treatment they would stop it and remove you from hormone treatment. These days they don't even assess them for other mental instabilities before prescribing it to them! Seems to me most of these guys are nuts long before they ever swallow a hormone pill.
I've known several people who have been on cross-sex hormones for 50 years. Yes - I am that old, lol! I can tell you that their mental health symptoms have either persisted or worsened over time, despite surgeries, despite continued access to said hormones. Anxiety, depression some degree of paranoia/derealization and OCD-type symptoms are the most common that I have observed. These are people I've known and loved over a lifetime - and yes, I was a mental health professoinal trained and qualified to diagnose such features.
This is why the U.S. needs laws that recognize calling men women and vice versa as personal data falsification and, therefore, prohibit it. "Gender" and "preferred pronouns" must be seen for what they are: a fiction that lives only in delusional people's heads. And these laws must be launched quickly before the political climate changes back to wokeism (who knows what the next elections will result in). and, of course, crossdressing must be banned as well.
Yes, absolutely. I agree totally.
I'd go further and advocate for gender to be removed from our vocabulary on the basis of causing societal confusion. Period.
In the UK, up until literally a decade ago, gender was synonymous with sex with a nuance on sex being about the biological and gender being about the roles that society and nature put on females and males/men and women. The nature v nurture debate in sociology. Gender could not exist without biological sex, which it was based upon.
Gender studies used to be about the various ways women/females were oppressed in society purely based on their sex and how males/men enjoyed privileges in society purely based on their sex and how this played out blatantly or subtlely in every day expectations and interactions.
Now the meaning of gender has been completely hijacked, exploited, re-defined and corrupted to the point of non-recognition. As long as it exists, there will always be people that are running away from their sex. Gender is the get out card that allows them to twist it in to whatever shape and narrative they want, as they have done. Sex, they can't do that because it is scientific. It's immutable.
Bearing in mind that the definition of a woman is an adult, female, human being and the definition of a man is an adult, male, human being. So no confusion as to who is a man or who is a woman. Clothes and extreme surgery are irrelevant. Pronouns are sex-based and not subject to personal preferences.
Without gender to latch on to, what have they got? Just sex.That's when the bubble will finally burst. It will solidify that the only 2 identities that exist are sex based ie male or female/man or woman. How people express their unique 'personalities' within those confines, for the most part is up to them.
You cannot manufacture biology with a falsified printed out certificate. No man, should ever be able to claim or use the descriptor woman for himself or another man. The same goes for a woman attempting to utilise the descriptor man for herself or another woman.
Pronouns are sex-based and personal preferences should never have been indulged. Look at the confusion and utter conflict it has caused. A clear sign that it was never meant to be and it has worked against the natural order and harmony of how things are meant to be.
Well said! Could not agree more.
Unfortunately, men creeped into Women's Studies, eroded them into Gender Studies and gradually into Queer Studies featuring creepy buffoons peddling gobblegook Newspeak like Michel Foucault and Judith Butler and driving out women like Pauline Bart.
I read (in USA, could be different in UK) that Women's Studies were changed by Universities to Gender Studies so that male students would not treat WS courses like the plague, even when there was NO OTHER class open that would give them the 12 unit full load needed. They'd rather LOSE a semester than take a Women's Studies class. And that checks out in the wider world. Few men get to discover the secrets we learn in Women's Studies classes... (like, that woman have always been here making history with men).
It's supposed to be identity theft or identity fraud to use someone else's identity. Like impersonating a police officer, which, in fact, men often do to abduct and rape women and children. Obviously, these men are counting on the fact that women might not have the political power to enforce such a law in women's behalf.
Exactly! Especially when these creeps try to impersonate their wives/girlfriends or take the names of their female friends/family members. The whole thing is so gross and inappropriate on so many levels.
The audio quality is shocking, unfortunately 👎
I live in Colorado and this is all over the news. One site just kept calling him by his last name while all the others called him she. In the comments of every news article I've seen I have posted his picture stating that he's no woman and journalism is dead. I'm surprised that more people are actually blasting the posters rather than us, the commenters calling them out... Of course I'm rural Colorado and we are totally different from the city folks.
What do you think it will actually take to finally break the "TWAW" spell?!?
I won't call a trans "woman" a woman at all, ever. I call them trans IDing male, or TiMs, but NEVER "woman". TiFs are so rare theres no need to discuss their non-happening crimes and demands.
"Natal Male" sounds so Helen Joyce.
Infinitely better than "assigned male/female at birth" garbage!
Seeing it written down always makes me think "feliz natal (male)" 🫣🎅
😂 I'm going to reply "Boas Festas" to anyone using that term in future.
Karen, don't know whether you realise it but the sound on the video is very, very warbley! It's awful. It probably got caught up in a bad connection. Not sure I can get through this video.
Karen's voice sounds like: I just walked into a room in a video game, a TV turns on, and the chick on the screen, with a glitchy voice, spends 2min telling me I'm going to die soon.
Tf I am!!! ⚔️🔫🏹
😂 if it goes down, I want to be on your team
The sound quality is dodgy.
Dodgy....I'd say it's wretched! Almost unable to understand her but for the closed captioning.
Yeah shame about the sound. Karen you should start a GoFundMe for a new computer it looks like the sound card on that one is on its way out.
Didn't she just (which means 0-5 years from my perspective) get a new one?!!
14:00 again, Karen is totally on point. The floodgates are definitely open. Kind of like when all the ghosts got released in "Ghostbusters". The original, I didn't watch the remake 😉
Ghostbusters Afterlife is an amazing movie. All the other remakes are dog shit
Pretty lady.