Sep 18Liked by Karen Davis

"Most rational people and clinicians..." Hmm...

The thing is that pretty much 100% of these men HAVE been watching CSA material of some kind. To believe otherwise (which is to posit that paedophilia is some innate sexual proclivity/orientation) is incredibly naive in my humble opinion.

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Literally, they lie about it, we know this. They'll tell their clinician one thing and in their head they're thinking 'a.i doesn't count. Hentai doesn't count. Photos don't count, it's not like I'm the one who took them. Spying on the neighbour's son doesn't count, it's not like he knew I was watching. And even if he did, how do I know he didn't enjoy that?… Good thing I'm a virtuous paedo '

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Sep 18Liked by Karen Davis

Very, very disturbing times. Gold being naive I Hope and he will do lots of damage with Hope that depraved people are good. Trust the scholars in a field they say. What I cannot understand is why therapists feel for pedos. Recently I have seen interview with sex offender therapist and she said that summer is very difficult time for pedos because many children go around naked. Then she proceeded to scold the parents for leting children do that and that will provoke the pedos. What they are doing in such places in the first place? Because they went to watch. IT is hypersexual disorder they have to jerk off mamy times per day. They are sick. They cannot manage this depraved cravings. IT is absolut madness. There is one guy on YT, Mack Winn he Had sex offender treatment center. He said he does not belive in non offending pedophiles because it is not how the disorder works. He hasn't met one. He had analysis of them without this sick compassion. Why compassion for them? To do what exactly? They are predators. They Hunt for victims.

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Many “therapists” are mentally ill themselves. 😳 Have to say it, because it’s true.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Karen Davis

He's almost wilfully naive about this stuff.

He seems to have a bit of a 'you get more flies with honey' approach to interviewing his guests and I get that up to a point,but you really can't give these people the benefit of the doubt.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Karen Davis

Vast majority of pedos are males.

Males exhibiting a sense of entitlement, IME, are more common than those who don’t.

Would Gold gaslight us in saying negligible numbers of males have given over to their lust in the entirety of male history?


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Sep 18Liked by Karen Davis

I could believe the virtuous pedo if the man in question took himself off to a deserted island.

No type of pedophilia should be normalised and that's what they're doing with virtuous crap. I firmly belive in castration for sex offenders and nonces

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Sep 18Liked by Karen Davis

This is where the societal tolerance of depravity and the quashing of shame has led us: https://x.com/0xAlaric/status/1835756348920803342?t=Y2NYpcVK091RbfMNgMHeQQ&s=09

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The bar for 'virtue' needs to always be higher than 'he says he's never raped a child'. 🍆✂️ for every paedo

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Karen Davis

"We want society to recognize that we are not monsters waiting to pounce on unsuspecting children". From the Virped (virtuous pedophile) site's mission statement

Ite benefits society, it helps protect children, to view them as monsters. Yet another safeguard the "trans"/PDFile movement (they are inextricably linked) wants to strip from us.

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Sep 18Liked by Karen Davis

Karen? What happend with your YT channel?

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It was cancelled..All my content, for the foreseeable future, will be here.

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Sep 18Liked by Karen Davis


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I'm not sure where I stand on this Virtuous Paedophile thing. Are these sick bastards at least naming themselves so that people know to keep their kids way from them.

Gold is naive for sure. His interviews show a total lack of research, he just sits there reading back platitudes to the interviewee.

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Sep 18Liked by Karen Davis

Yes, and he'd have been well advised to have refrained from that particular modus operandi in the instance of Peter Tatchell at the very least...

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Sep 18Liked by Karen Davis

Gold was saying in his substack that he had wanted it to be a "good faith" interview and that the questions had to be pre-approved by Thatchell or he wouldn't have come on. Well, if Thatchell is absolutely certain that he is not a nonce apologist, he could have cleared that up once and for all by addressing the criticisms. I do not buy for one second that Thatchell is anything other than pro pedo based on his own remarks. He seems to have a bit of a pattern when it comes to defending sex offenders.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Karen Davis

I don't understand how anyone could think that an interview contingent on adhering to a set of preapproved questions could ever be described as being "good faith".

Mind you, having read the majority of the article in question on Gold's Substack, I can kind of see where he's coming from. Maybe I'll try to watch all of the interview with Tatchell again, I just can't promise that I'll be able to tolerate that much of Tatchell unchallenged! We'll see, I guess.

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So are we to assume that if even one of these men decide to go with the urge then consequentially the child is just collateral? My adult son who in simple terms a difficult person did indeed fell to one of these vile offensive beings. It ruined him and he is still suffering. I do not want to trust even one criminal to act pious for its whole life. My mind spins with so much anger it becomes hard to breath.

Thank you for allowing me to speak

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Errggghhh Good Grief Andrew Gold has not been, in my estimation, never been very smart or knowledgeable about anything to do with what is, the practices ,mannerisms perversions of paedophiles, pederasts, of any sexualities in males.

His interviews with feminists. feminists that hold belief of the word meaning radical {the root of} support, emotional and activism for the reality of being a female in this patriarchal society, showed me well over twelve months ago, that his grasp of what a female child and adult is let alone the predation that females endure from males the child, adolescences and the adult males has / is lacking fundamental nuances and most of all common sense.

He is clueless, Gold has the audacity to write absolute codswallop ,to give a British terminology.

How bloody enraging it is to see and hear the continuing malignant & impetuous statement above of the female human condition whether directly or indirectly, he has in my mind clearly put a line in the sand as to what he believes.

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Virtuous PDF files?!

That is the most blatant oxymoron ever.


They don’t exist. These men are driven by their sex drives and porn addled addiction.

Never trust them!

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Thank you, Karen ❤

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Gold is spineless, with a huge portion of Dunning-Kruger.

Paedophilia is impervious to treatment and intractable.

Pdfiles always spout long-winded verbose nonsense, excuses & euphemisms, but they are simply telling us very clearly that they are simply pdfiles.

Believe them when they are telling us clearly what they are.

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As someone with personal experience with, and who has recovered from, a mental illness that involves obsession and craving, I can tell you these pedos are NOT able to abstain. That Gold said they should be able abstain from the very act that defines this pathology is just naive and fantastical. It shows he does not know about mental illness at all.

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Ah, men. Very hard to like them.

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