Happy New Year Karen!!

This man is a dumbass. Ppl who claim they have had gEnDeR dYsPhOriA since childhood likely just had parents who were into extremely strict, toxic gender roles

And what in the fuck is he talking about, plenty of ppl who have diseases know less about their disease than say, a doctor who specializes in that particular disease. Case in point: cancer. The average Jane who gets cancer knows less about it than an oncologist who has been working for 30 years and never had cancer before

This man is joke

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May 2025 be the year of the terf. Happy new year! 🎉

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Gotta love how the TRA's and troons are desperate to have people *not* read anything that contradicts their agenda.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!🎉🎉🎉 we can always hope, right?

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Deakins quote 10 years experience as some kind of yardstick by which qualification is to be measured! If that is correct then Dr P XX quotes 30 years experience. Surely that trumps Deakins?

I read the Dr P article and it is a fair and accurate assessment of the social contagion phenomenon which has cause the current epidemic in what Deakins and the like describe a GD. The trouble is that they both start from the same false premise, that the DSM is a accurate descriptor of the symptoms of GD. It is not.

Dr P is absolutely correct the DSM V listing of GD is nonsense as was DSM IV and DSM III all the way back to 1980. Dr P is correct a bunch of psychologists and psychiatrists simply listed a bunch of characteristics that a disparate group of people shared to some degree or another and held them to be symptoms of the same condition. Utter shite!

Gender Identity does not exist, if it does I certainly do not have one of which I am aware.

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“Likely since birth” LOL. Spoken by someone who’s never interacted with a baby. Newborns can barely see, let alone distinguish between male and female. The fact that they suggest TODDLERS and BABIES can have gender dysphoria is actually insane.

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The short-term goal of the "trans" agenda is normalization of pedophilia, and that has been true since John Money. Saying that children have it means it cannot just be a perversion (which it is), so it's a tool to legitimize their fetishes.

There is no such thing as "gender dysphoria." The whole thing is garbage.

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I agree.

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GD exists but it's simply anxiety (sometimes severe) centred around one's sex or sexed body, not the magical woo woo the TRA's and Gender pushing medical profession pushes.

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I always say "gender dysphoria" does not exist because a symptom is not a condition.

There is autogynephilia in heterosexual males (Bruce Jenner). There is homosexual male narcissism (Dylan Mulvaney). There is anxiety/depression from childhood sexual abuse (mostly female, some males--Mackenzie McClelland and Walt Heyer). There is some cases of OCD, bipolar, schizophrenia (Ritchie Herron). This is simply a symptom.

But "gender dysphoria" does not exist and nobody can define it anyway.

And they're trying to change it to "gender incongruence" now so they can just say it "doesn't fit," and it doesn't even need to cause "unease."

These words and the term means nothing. I never use it, and it makes everything easier.

Even using their terms legitimizes this lie. Take away the words, the whole thing collapses. That's how easy it is.

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This is really important, imo. "gender dysphoria" is always a symptom of something else. The upshot is that treating the symptom and ignoring the underlying issues, is just prolonging suffering

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Perfectly put.

This is the most important thing because nobody is born in the wrong body. We are our bodies.

Giving men estrogen, mutilating children, giving women testosterone--none of this will make someone the opposite sex, even if they pass. It is a cover for the real issue, which is underneath, from childhood abuse to porn addiction.

These people never get real help.

And it causes all the problems because it leads to everything that cannot be avoided--males in women's jails, sports, etc. It just cannot be avoided.

So, there is no such thing as "gender dysphoria," like you said, and they're going to try to change the term anyway. It's meaningless.

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There is the other type which is a detachment disorder.

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I think what people with “gender dysphoria” are experiencing is actually body dysmorphia, and trans provides a convenient way for them to creat a “new self” or their “authentic self” as they call it.

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Most of the young women and girls you see falling victim to the trans cult have just that, Body Dysmorphia (BD). Gender Identity Disorder (GID) is something else but people with GID very often develop BD as a co-morbid condition. Always that way around GID first BD later.

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They tried for a while to make the argument that men have "ladybrains" but they aren't doing that too much anymore because after trying to say gender is just "social" for years, it doesn't make sense to try to prove it biologically now.

And if it's biological, they have to have a test for it. Are they requiring brain scans to prove a female brain in a male body? What's female and what's male? Define it.

The whole thing falls apart easily. They're going to back off this for now as the lawsuits filed by children start. Did any of those children get brain scans? What are they scanning for?

It's easy to disprove. Read here:


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I have said this for years. If there were any validity to the brain difference stuff they would simply scan the brain if anyone presenting for gender transition. There would be no argument or issue around transing kids. A simple $500 MRI scan and it would be "See girl brain boy body" end of argument.

The historical studies have all been deeply flawed and easily discernible as such

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For literally any study to work, they have to define "female" and "male." They can't even do that.

Then there has to be a test for every person, including children, that is reliable. Imagine that. It would never happen. And even if the scan showed irregularities, that doesn't need to be "affirmed." Schizophrenics show irregularities. Nobody goes along with their claims.

In the 2022 brain scan study I cite in the article, its report stated an individual can have a "biological sex" as male and a "perceived gender" as female. How can "gender" be female if it's different from biology?

That boils down to a male "feeling like" he's female--now imagine these big-brained scientists explaining that, and then explaining how "social roles" of gender need to be affirmed with biological manipulation like hormones and surgery.


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Happy 2025 ✨

There are so many legal challenges where 2025 will be the year of outcomes and impact.

I am still hopeful that sense will overcome nonsense 🎉

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That man isn't going to seriously answer any of your wonderful questions... he's just going to swill rethoric around in his mouth and occasionally spit some big, meaningless words out and expect applause from the minions.

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Happy Happy New Year Karen

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Happy New Year. 🥂

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Definitely following dr P!

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Happy new year Karen! When is your birthday?

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Dr P won't have a PhD; she'll have a DClin (Doctorate in Clinical Psychology), which is a mostly clinical qualification with an element of research, rather than a research-based PhD.

She's bloody fabulous!

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Here in California, there's a Psy.D. Yeah clinical, with an element of research. The Board of Psychology recently investigated one I saw in 2009, and then again in 2019, and she's not practicing anymore. I filed a complaint against her for some shenanigans she pulled with insurance billing, and reported to the investigator that she failed to report the grooming and sexual abuse I received while in the hands of mandated reporters when I was a teen, which I had shown her documents of in 2009. I think that when a complaint is filed, it gives the investigators the latitude to investigate the practitioner in depth. I suggest women file more complaints against abusive practitioners who claim that they're "helping" people. There's too many narcissists and other psychologically defective people practicing, and they've caused a lot of harm they haven't been required to acknowledge, let alone pay reparations for. 😕

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He works for WPATH. That alone disqualifies him (probably why he's "retired" after only ten purported years of practice). I've been following Dr. P for some time and her work is exemplary. But rather than address her command of the discipline, he resorts to defamation and gobbledygook. "Psychoneurobiological" condition? Pick a lane, dude. But if you rely on ever moving goalposts, you have to cover your bases, I guess. But I'm still waiting for evidence.

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