
Love the music you're playing now! Really emphasizes how surreal the situations you discuss actually are.

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What do regular shmegulars do against this when there is so much money, power, major corporations, governments...the Technocracy is a huge machine to fight against. This is sad. I'm reading here and there that to be against any of this is anti-cemetic?!? Quoting out the horrible Talmud to justify it. Yikes.

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There was an article in the New York Post on 12/31/22 that discussed the Pritzkers and their donations for the trans malarkey, including Jennifer Pritzker donating to the ACLU. K Yang was quoted and her site StopFemaleErasure was mentioned. Hopefully, more will see this movement and the ACLU are about the money, not the well-being of anyone.

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More like free-dumb.

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Feb 2, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023

The organisation "for Lesbian Rights" you mentioned has been a complete sausage fest for years and years AFAIK. Forever defending and inserting men with special gendie feelz into places they have no business going.

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This org actually cares nothing at all about lesbians! It’s been all about the men and transing away the gay!

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On point!!! IMO there is no such thing as a trans kid because no child is born in the wrong body. Healthcare for children does not include mutilation, unnecessary surgeries or prescribing off label drugs.

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Since when was medically assisted harm considered health care for children?

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Love the music but it's kinda loud. And I find myself doing a chord analysis of the song instead of listening to you.

Thanks, Music Theory!

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I love your music (I’d buy it if it were available on Apple Music or BandCamp), and I love your message. However--I have a terrible time with focus, and so I miss one or the other when they’re both projected at equal volume.

If I’m the only one with the problem, definitely don’t change anything on MY account! However, I’ve got a bit of a one-track mind. 😉

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Karen, you transported me back to the 70s with the music tonight. The flute love it. 😊

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I want to see them in court attempting to debunk the reality of science and medicine, debunking the facts as presented by the ethical,medical,professionals - let them try to lie about the ruination of the lives of men women and children at the hands of the gender cult 'trans affirming' medical cash cow.

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This being the same ACLU that sued the state of California (and won) when it tried to to raise the marriage age to 18 (a sensible thing to do) thus ensuring that 45 year old men will be allowed to marry 10 year old girls in the state. #howprogessive

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Hi 👋🏻 Karen, I've missed seeing your uploads on YouTube. Hope you're back soon.

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Music's dreadful and FAR too loud.. sorry I'm too autistic for that.. xx

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The ACLU does what its donors direct. 300,000,000.00 in their budget and the only question is: Where the hell did it come from? Answer? Their rich pimps. Hugely funded law firms "defend" twanzgender "rights" even in prisons, where most other inmates can't even get life saving drugs or treatments or even a goddamned aspirin, yet THEY fight for make-up, long hair and female hormones for the male trannies. Piper law firm was one I saw and their budget dwarfs the ACLU pimp funded endeavor.

Now, as for them "defending" free speech, well, that's another storied fairy tale in our "legal" system. They sold out loads of socialists and communists AND Jehovah's Witnesses.....sound a little FASCIST to you? We have a law on the books in every state called "disorderly conduct" by which ANYONE AT ANY TIME SAYING ANYTHING can be ticketed and/or ARRESTED. This law simply put says that if your speech "offends" someone and then they beat YOU up it is YOUR FAULT. Literally. Millions have been arrested for this bullshit since 1942 when Mr. Chaplinsky, a Jehovah's Witness was beaten up by both other "citizens" and the cops. He didn't even get a TRIAL and the SCOTUS UPHELD ALL OF IT. And it's still on the books in a location where you live and the supreme court of your state will likely STILL uphold it. In NC there was an obscene language law for cursing that stayed on the books for 98 years until struck down in 2011 or so. But disorderly conduct law is still there to pick up the slack. And contrary to TV shows people are brainwashed with, lawyers won't do jack-shit about it because like all racketeers, they set up the conditions to harm you and then pretend to "defend" you while ensuring JOB SECURITY for themselves and their "protection". Like I told one lawyer, apparently protection racketeering is only illegal when the Italians do it. I strongly suggest people really start learning about their "legal" system. I mean, think about the term legal and the brainwashing equating it to MORAL. Is it really? Does the word "legal" represent material reality in any way? If so, how? Saying teenagers and young people under 25 are "adults" under the law means, what exactly? How many degenerate males say, well, "18 year olds are legal" and just what the fucking hell does that mean? Too many people just blindly accept that our legal system means "justice" and "fairness" and MORALITY when that is absolutely not the case.

How many rich people get tickets for mechanical problems with their cars? Expired inspection? Take a look at our "laws" in your own states. We have one here in NC that elevates a police dog to status over humans and it is a FELONY to fight back when being mauled by one. Think rich criminals, like those INCORPORATED-- SO THEY CANT BE HELD CRIMINALLY RESPONSIBLE (nice legal instrument there, huh?) for the death and destruction they cause will have a police dog attack them?

The ACLU, like every other "political" body, works for their corporate pimps to promote their interests in our ONE PARTY (the rich) ruling class operated STATE. So of course they are going to promote the interests of big business and their DONORS.

Give a listen to a George Carlin routine about your "fucking rights". He calls them "temporary privileges" and in simply logic terms he's 100% correct. Pay attention to the beginning in particular and laugh. He mentions Mother Goose, Pinocchio and shit like that... :)

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