Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't these excess hormones whether estrogen or testosterone hormones a form of Steroids⁉️
Back when I used to watch American Football 🏈 I was a major fan of the Oakland Raiders.
One player, Lyle Alzado, regularly used Steroids. He developed brain 🧠 cancer from the Steroids and died young. He also shortened his Football Career......Anyhoo
Don't these excessive Hormonal drugs ruin your natural body and cause damage to your organs❓🥺🤔
If the answer is YES....then these demons are happily killing themselves so let's celebrate 🥂🎈🥂🎈🥂🎈
Yes, they do. In the WPATH emails, docs revealed that some kids developed liver cancer. Putting kids on puberty blockers can result in a syndrome called pseudotumor cerebri, a condition that mimics brain tumor symptoms - blurred vision, dizziness, headaches, optic nerve swelling.....If I knew this 2 - 3 years ago, why didn't Kimberly, a mental health professional, know it as well? I'm sure she did and she recommended kids for this butchery ANYWAY.
I don't want to see anyone do this to themselves - I think all these procedures should be illegal. But, if some adult decides to poison themselves I can't do anything to stop them. It's another thing all together when so-called mental health professionals encourage people to destroy themselves. That's just flat-out evil.
What? Being declared Woman of the Year by Glamor Magazine didn't lead to a deliriously happy existence?
Sarcasm aside, Jenner has been trouble for a long time. When the 2 Jenner girls were in middle school. one noticed her underwear drawer had been disturbed. Suspecting her sister, she secretly set up a camera to catch the culprit - which turned out to be daddy. Wearing her 12 year old underthings. I saw a video recorded in Chicago in whihc Jenner tells this like it's a hilarious family moment. Stealing intimate items and skinwalking his pubescent daughter. smh
I'm equally disgusted Kris stayed with him - what does that tell her daughters?
It's very common part of a coming-of-trans story that the individual would steal underwear for sexual gratification, sometimes from neighbor's clotheslines, but often from sisters and mothers. Daughters? That's just even more disgusting. ITA it's a form of incest.
I certainly don't celebrate the deliberate manipulation of minors and vulnerable young people into joining their cult and medicalising themselves, though...
No, I know you don't! I just think it's probably a good idea to occasionally make that abundantly clear so that any of our spying little "friends" are left in zero doubt over that fact, that's all.
🔥This is gonna be a little different because I usually don't totally change my response but I revisited this conversation and
I'm changing my response.
As I previously stated I don't wish harm on the Children.
However there are too many Youngsters who have been taught right from wrong and are willfully disobeying the instructions of their wise Parents by using manipulation and gaslighting in order to follow society and social contagions.
Having said that I can't feel too sorry for all the Youngsters that are bringing hardship, shame and legal problems to their Parents just to be apart of the fad.
For those Youngsters I don't have too much empathy for them.
I was a Youngster long, long, long ago and temptation definitely came my way. It was an opportunity to make my own decisions. Yes I made some mistakes as a Youngster, but I was guided to also keep the welfare of my future in high regard, as well as consequences of your decisions.
I have always enjoyed being a female even with it's adversities in this World.
Periods, diarrhea, Cramps, Fibroids, Childbirth, Menopause, Cellulose, Stretch marks, failed marriage, early gray hair, and even having to endure misogyny has never, ever never made me want to trade my Secret Garden for a Dick and Double Balls‼️
Naw, I can't say I feel sorry for all the Youngsters going along with being a Transformer.
Thank You for challenging me on this I appreciate You 🌹
There is a lot to unpack here so I'll have a go one point at a time.
I'll answer the question of what is the criteria which would make hormonal intervention in a child appropriate. NONE. There is no criteria which would ever make that appropriate EVER. Children cannot fathom the seriousness of such a path and I have never seen any evidence of one that can demonstrate that they have an reasonable understanding of it.
I very highly doubt that Linehan's long suffering wife left him because of "transphobia".
I would say that she left him in some part because he simply wouldn't/couldn't leave well enough alone until deeply troubled and sociopathic men had started to do everything they possibly could to ruin his career and life, including via harassing her both online and IRL. Including legally and by dint of using various UK police services as their own personal enforcement agencies. But that's just what I've heard from various sources and Linehan was but one of them, so... 🤷♀️
All this is fraud. When a fraud company is shut down, it pops up again until another name. That's all Aaron and her pals are about. How to keep the money train running for them. They are just schemers and scammers. Aaron and the rest of the crew, are trying to stay one step ahead of losing everything. Aaron's wife either got tired of validating her 24/7 or Aaron was cheating on her, probably with another troon. I don't buy, the I'm not a man, but a butch lesbian. Bologna! The only way, I believe any of these people is, change your name back to your original female name, shave off the beard, get off the T and start taking estrogen, but playing the word game is bogus! She likes the idea of hiding in the patriarchy, because deeply she hates women and herself!
The terms "Transman" and "Transwoman" are misnomers. such people, depending on what they have done to themselves, are properly called Transsexual. If you have to tag "Man" or "Woman" on the end of it so people know what type of transsexual you are, you wasted your time, effort and money.
Transsexual and Gay/Lesbian are not mutually exclusive. It is perfectly possible to be both.
Aaron is Transsexual by virtue of what they have done or had done to themselves and is a Lesbian because Aaron is a female who is sexually attracted to other females. "Butch" I would submit in Aaron's case is blatantly obvious.
If the paragraph above were not true then Gay and Lesbian are just Lifestyle choices and only Homosexual is actually a sexuality. Arron was a lesbian before any medical intervention and is now a lesbian (a homosexual) who has had treatment to make them look like the opposite sex. You hear this BS from Gender Critical Gay people all the time, that transsexuals have somehow "Transed away the Gay". No they haven't! They are still gay, they are still homosexual, they just now look like something they are not! They are no more straight men/women than an AGP is magically a lesbian because he put a dress and wig on.
A woman on roıds is a woman on roıds. A woman who's had extreme cosmetic surgery is a woman who's had surgery. A woman who's been in roids for a very long time is a woman with a drug dependence. Nothing Aaron has done has made her in any sense not a woman, it obviously hasn't made her a man.
The term 'transexual' obfuscates, there's no reason to use it except to support the idea that some people can change their sex in a meaningful way.
Transsexual does not mean "Change Sex". Since the 1950's up until about 5 years ago, the dictionary definition (in all dictionaries) of "Transsexual" was:
"A person who has undergone or is undergoing medical treatment in order to acquire the physical characteristics of the opposite sex"
Nowhere did it say "become the opposite sex"
These days the dictionary has been infected by the woke! It now drivels on about Gender Identity" and the definition as a consequence it meaningless and wrong!
Of course no human can change his/her sex which is why there should be no legal protection for such fraud and deception b/c others' rights are implicated. And indoctrinating minors w/ the notion that a human could be 'born in the wrong body' is absurd and dangerous. And all of this damaging societal disruption in service to the primary drivers of 'trans' who are the paraphilic, male, heterosexual, cross-dresser, sexual fetishists-autogynephiles/transvestic fetishists. Dominating males who are determined to count as women and will continue to push their agenda.
Blaire White also thinks he has heterosexual relationship with other men. But then he says he knows he's still Male. Aaron and Blaire both seem to be suffering from underlying mental health issues. Because they both seemed confused about their identity.
Blaire White still has a dick. If he thinks dick-on-dick is straight, he's crazier than a shithouse rat. I don't think they're confused about anything, I think they're lying sacks of shit.
Well of course they have mental health issues. Gender Identity Disorder is just that a mental disorder. Anyone who says it isn't doesn't have it. Blaire often refers to himself tongue in cheek as a "Faggot Tranny" and Blaire's partner Joey is a self confessed gynandromorphaphile. I have never heard Blaire say they were in a heterosexual relationship. I may look like that to the outside world if they don't know who Blaire is. But as we know looks can be deceiving.
I have heard Blaire state that many people still see him as a gay man, but he sees himself as a woman. If he sees himself as a woman, and he's dating a man isn't that a heterosexual relationship in his mind? It's all confusing. When you identify as something your not, it's hard to make sense of it.
Good Comment but I don't think those two Dudes you name are confused. I believe they know exactly what they are doing and want to confuse others in order to justify their twisted minds and behavior.
A same-sex attracted person has 'gay converted' themselves by 'transitioning' and attempting to create a 'mutilated heterosexuality' by becoming a fake opp sex person. I can't think of anything more self-invalidating and inauthentic than that so they have, in a sense, 'transed away the gay.' They lack courage and personal integrity and tether themselves to the morally bankrupt 'gender medicine' racket for a lifetime. And depending on the extent of the physical damage to themselves will be rendered sterile and anorgasmic or inorgasmic-it's a damn shame.
That is not the case at all. They are still the same sex they are still attracted to others of the same sex and engage sexually with others of the same sex. They worst they may have done is "paint the closet door a different colour" but they have not fundamentally changed their sexuality. They are not now engaging with others of the opposite sex like someone who has supposedly prey'd the gay away.
The reason these organisations will not define a criteria for those for whom this treatment path "MAY" be an option which could have positive results, is because it would reduce their customer base to 1-2% of it current level. They are not singularly focused on helping people but in perpetuating their own positions.
Who are these people? What are the benefits? How are these benefits assessed? Are they incontinent? Do they have sexual function? Are their endocrine systems intact?
First let me state for the record. I do not care if nobody can access these treatments in the future. I am not my brother's keeper in this regard. If we are talking about peoples access to medical treatments there are much more worthy causes to pour ones emotional and intellectual efforts into than this one.
How do you assess these people?
Well for a start you stop treating men and women patients the same. They are not the same, their psychologies are different and the things which affect them are different.
Assessment should require 18-24 months psychotherapy prior to any treatment and that therapy must be able to eliminate any suggestion of unresolved trauma from sexual, violent or psychological abuse. Is their family life history a settled one and if not to what extent is that affecting their thought process? If those things are evident then the patient does not progress to the next stage of assessment until they are.
Can they demonstrate that they understand the reality and limitations of what any proposed treatment can achieve? Are they evidencing any "magical thinking" or can they properly articulate their symptoms within the bounds of reality.
Is the patient's sexuality settled? Do they acknowledge it and are comfortable with it. Have they had romantic relationships however briefly and even if they have struggled to maintain them? If not this should be a bar to progression.
Are they able to form and maintain social relationships? If they are socially awkward or inept and to what extent is this inability affecting their thought processes on their claims of gender incongruence? (If they are lonely and simply looking for a sense of belonging this treatment is not going to solve this. Tell them to colour their hair green, pierce their septum and send them on their way the alphabet people will happily take them in).
What is the extent of the effects their condition is affecting their daily lives? Is it affecting their functionality? Is it a mild inconvenience or are they dependant on anti-depression / anti-anxiety medication .
Are they diagnosed with or is there any evidence of undiagnosed ASD of BPD? This should be the biggest red flag. Is this gender incongruence a recent thing or has it been present over many years. This must be checked with the patients family or Guardians if this is not possible they do not get to progress further in the assessment and remain in pshychollogical care.
These matters having been successfully met they then could be allowed to access a hormonal regime and must undergo what used to be termed a "Real Life Test" of 18-24 months minimum. During this test they must me assessed every 6-8 weeks monitoring their psychological health for improvement and their social and work lives assessed for stability. This must me evidenced by verifiable sources and not just the patient's report. Are they spending their existence in an LGBTQ echo chamber or are they engaged in wider society? Worse still are they a "shut in"? If there is any deterioration in the patient's mental state the treatment must be paused/stopped and retuned to psych assessment.
These should be the minimum steps for access to hormonal and "potential" surgical referral. I'll speak about surgery separately because this is becoming a tome.
Benefits must be assessed as a marked improvement of the patient's mental state and personal life. A discontinuance or marked reduction in any anti-depression or anxiety meds.
but even if there were benefits is it even really worth it when it comes with so many issues? it seems like even then the costs/risks and the dangers would still probably outweigh any benefits
Since, according to idpol, "being trans" is just like being black or gay or whatever thing that actually exists, I can see how they'd view bringing in Beardarella as, like, ~someone who'll understand the client's Lived Experience~
I feel sorry for her. How must it feel to realize that you've been living a lieIt is so unfortunate that she found it so difficult to be a butch lesbian that she mutilated herself. Also, how could any young woman decide to take testosterone after meeting Kimberly.
A link to another interview at The Lesbian Project done recently w/ Kimberley. I don't see her as 'detransed' while still wearing a beard. And I do see these people as 'transing the gay away' b/c though she did not change her sex or sexuality she was presenting as the opp sex and thus would be viewed w/ her wife or partner as a straight couple. A lot of internalized homophobia there imo and cowardice too. No such thing as 'trans,' it is an invented, incoherent nonsense. You can be a different kind of woman but never any kind of man and it's absurd to think you can be. Why isn't the work eliminating misogyny and homophobia instead of making a person think he or she was 'born wrong' and need to pretend to a 'mutilated heterosexuality' & opp sex impersonation. Why does a person have to fit an old sex stereotype as a male or female and if they don't they need to be 'fixed'- it's outrageous.
We neuter male dogs to make them calmer and less aggressive. We also spay and neuter to prevent overpopulation. The elite of this world believe we need to thin out humans and this is an excellent way to do it. This is why the world is being brainwashed into going along with this insanity. I really don't have much hope for our society.
Kimberly went from ordinary girl to lesbian woman to mother to trans man to intersex to detransitioner. Since the WPATH Files and the Cass Report dropped, 'detransition' is the new cool thing...just ask Genspect or Corinna Cohn, who now identifies as Cory, the detrans person.
Kimberly needs other tru-trans people like Susan/Buck to groom the kids.
Kimberly is just the Tranadian version of Scott Newgent. They are pushing a brand new gender industry market by providing kids and families with expensive therapeutic affirmation and social transitions...get them ready for the blockers, wrong sex hormones and frankensurgeries.
A lot of stuff is coming out now that Kellie Pirie publicly detransitioned and is on the GC speakers tour. Recently Ms. Pirie was platformed with Meghan Murphy and April Hutchinson and a few other radfems. The truth about the GDA/Genspect and other tru-trans organizations is leaking out a bit at a time.
As far as I know, Kimberly has one biological daughter (who is probably an adult) and 3 young step kids who did not know that she identified as trans.
***Kimberly ADVISED the Health Authority, not the other way around. Gender Dysphoria Alliance was one of the 3rd party consulting agency the Health Authority contracted to train everyone in affirmation.
KAREN: "This bitch over here with the beard"
Oh Lord I'm through 😂😆😂🤣😭😭🤣🤣😭😆😂🤣
It's SO nice to be able to speak freely. SO nice.
Yes I totally agree 💯👍🏾
Thank You Karen Davis for the outstanding content you bring to this platform.
It let's women, in particular, the extreme dangers our Country is allowing against us.
The Lying Broads‼️
Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't these excess hormones whether estrogen or testosterone hormones a form of Steroids⁉️
Back when I used to watch American Football 🏈 I was a major fan of the Oakland Raiders.
One player, Lyle Alzado, regularly used Steroids. He developed brain 🧠 cancer from the Steroids and died young. He also shortened his Football Career......Anyhoo
Don't these excessive Hormonal drugs ruin your natural body and cause damage to your organs❓🥺🤔
If the answer is YES....then these demons are happily killing themselves so let's celebrate 🥂🎈🥂🎈🥂🎈
Yes, they do. In the WPATH emails, docs revealed that some kids developed liver cancer. Putting kids on puberty blockers can result in a syndrome called pseudotumor cerebri, a condition that mimics brain tumor symptoms - blurred vision, dizziness, headaches, optic nerve swelling.....If I knew this 2 - 3 years ago, why didn't Kimberly, a mental health professional, know it as well? I'm sure she did and she recommended kids for this butchery ANYWAY.
I don't want to see anyone do this to themselves - I think all these procedures should be illegal. But, if some adult decides to poison themselves I can't do anything to stop them. It's another thing all together when so-called mental health professionals encourage people to destroy themselves. That's just flat-out evil.
Thank you for your response it sounds like The American Medical Establishment is the modern day Frankenstein.
I also think children should be banned from having these procedures done albeit social or medical transforming.
As for those old Adult demons 👿 they are less knowledgeable about the drugs they get in transforming than those who use heroin and LSD.
I don't give two F's about the lives of adult transformers.
They should be away from the population
And they should pay for it themselves $
Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner got drunk and beat up the Valet...see attached:
What? Being declared Woman of the Year by Glamor Magazine didn't lead to a deliriously happy existence?
Sarcasm aside, Jenner has been trouble for a long time. When the 2 Jenner girls were in middle school. one noticed her underwear drawer had been disturbed. Suspecting her sister, she secretly set up a camera to catch the culprit - which turned out to be daddy. Wearing her 12 year old underthings. I saw a video recorded in Chicago in whihc Jenner tells this like it's a hilarious family moment. Stealing intimate items and skinwalking his pubescent daughter. smh
Oh shit I never knew that.
That nasty old man put his ass and genitalia in his daughters underwear ❓
This is the reason why these Dudes need to be tarred and feathered and stoned‼️
IMO, that shit was kinda incestuous
I'm equally disgusted Kris stayed with him - what does that tell her daughters?
It's very common part of a coming-of-trans story that the individual would steal underwear for sexual gratification, sometimes from neighbor's clotheslines, but often from sisters and mothers. Daughters? That's just even more disgusting. ITA it's a form of incest.
Kris Jenner likes men and money 💰
Emphasis on the money 🤑💰🤑
I certainly don't celebrate the deliberate manipulation of minors and vulnerable young people into joining their cult and medicalising themselves, though...
I don't celebrate the abuse of Children. My statement is strictly about the adults
No, I know you don't! I just think it's probably a good idea to occasionally make that abundantly clear so that any of our spying little "friends" are left in zero doubt over that fact, that's all.
🛑 I need to clarify
🔥This is gonna be a little different because I usually don't totally change my response but I revisited this conversation and
I'm changing my response.
As I previously stated I don't wish harm on the Children.
However there are too many Youngsters who have been taught right from wrong and are willfully disobeying the instructions of their wise Parents by using manipulation and gaslighting in order to follow society and social contagions.
Having said that I can't feel too sorry for all the Youngsters that are bringing hardship, shame and legal problems to their Parents just to be apart of the fad.
For those Youngsters I don't have too much empathy for them.
I was a Youngster long, long, long ago and temptation definitely came my way. It was an opportunity to make my own decisions. Yes I made some mistakes as a Youngster, but I was guided to also keep the welfare of my future in high regard, as well as consequences of your decisions.
I have always enjoyed being a female even with it's adversities in this World.
Periods, diarrhea, Cramps, Fibroids, Childbirth, Menopause, Cellulose, Stretch marks, failed marriage, early gray hair, and even having to endure misogyny has never, ever never made me want to trade my Secret Garden for a Dick and Double Balls‼️
Naw, I can't say I feel sorry for all the Youngsters going along with being a Transformer.
Thank You for challenging me on this I appreciate You 🌹
There is a lot to unpack here so I'll have a go one point at a time.
I'll answer the question of what is the criteria which would make hormonal intervention in a child appropriate. NONE. There is no criteria which would ever make that appropriate EVER. Children cannot fathom the seriousness of such a path and I have never seen any evidence of one that can demonstrate that they have an reasonable understanding of it.
Exactly. So Kimberly literally sent children down the path to sterility and debility to shore up her own identity. These people are reprehensible.
I very highly doubt that Linehan's long suffering wife left him because of "transphobia".
I would say that she left him in some part because he simply wouldn't/couldn't leave well enough alone until deeply troubled and sociopathic men had started to do everything they possibly could to ruin his career and life, including via harassing her both online and IRL. Including legally and by dint of using various UK police services as their own personal enforcement agencies. But that's just what I've heard from various sources and Linehan was but one of them, so... 🤷♀️
All this is fraud. When a fraud company is shut down, it pops up again until another name. That's all Aaron and her pals are about. How to keep the money train running for them. They are just schemers and scammers. Aaron and the rest of the crew, are trying to stay one step ahead of losing everything. Aaron's wife either got tired of validating her 24/7 or Aaron was cheating on her, probably with another troon. I don't buy, the I'm not a man, but a butch lesbian. Bologna! The only way, I believe any of these people is, change your name back to your original female name, shave off the beard, get off the T and start taking estrogen, but playing the word game is bogus! She likes the idea of hiding in the patriarchy, because deeply she hates women and herself!
Transman/Butch Lesbian.
The terms "Transman" and "Transwoman" are misnomers. such people, depending on what they have done to themselves, are properly called Transsexual. If you have to tag "Man" or "Woman" on the end of it so people know what type of transsexual you are, you wasted your time, effort and money.
Transsexual and Gay/Lesbian are not mutually exclusive. It is perfectly possible to be both.
Aaron is Transsexual by virtue of what they have done or had done to themselves and is a Lesbian because Aaron is a female who is sexually attracted to other females. "Butch" I would submit in Aaron's case is blatantly obvious.
If the paragraph above were not true then Gay and Lesbian are just Lifestyle choices and only Homosexual is actually a sexuality. Arron was a lesbian before any medical intervention and is now a lesbian (a homosexual) who has had treatment to make them look like the opposite sex. You hear this BS from Gender Critical Gay people all the time, that transsexuals have somehow "Transed away the Gay". No they haven't! They are still gay, they are still homosexual, they just now look like something they are not! They are no more straight men/women than an AGP is magically a lesbian because he put a dress and wig on.
A woman on roıds is a woman on roıds. A woman who's had extreme cosmetic surgery is a woman who's had surgery. A woman who's been in roids for a very long time is a woman with a drug dependence. Nothing Aaron has done has made her in any sense not a woman, it obviously hasn't made her a man.
The term 'transexual' obfuscates, there's no reason to use it except to support the idea that some people can change their sex in a meaningful way.
Transsexual does not mean "Change Sex". Since the 1950's up until about 5 years ago, the dictionary definition (in all dictionaries) of "Transsexual" was:
"A person who has undergone or is undergoing medical treatment in order to acquire the physical characteristics of the opposite sex"
Nowhere did it say "become the opposite sex"
These days the dictionary has been infected by the woke! It now drivels on about Gender Identity" and the definition as a consequence it meaningless and wrong!
She's still a woman. Everything else is just blather.
That is what I said Karen. Perhaps not with the same brevity LOL.
Of course no human can change his/her sex which is why there should be no legal protection for such fraud and deception b/c others' rights are implicated. And indoctrinating minors w/ the notion that a human could be 'born in the wrong body' is absurd and dangerous. And all of this damaging societal disruption in service to the primary drivers of 'trans' who are the paraphilic, male, heterosexual, cross-dresser, sexual fetishists-autogynephiles/transvestic fetishists. Dominating males who are determined to count as women and will continue to push their agenda.
Blaire White also thinks he has heterosexual relationship with other men. But then he says he knows he's still Male. Aaron and Blaire both seem to be suffering from underlying mental health issues. Because they both seemed confused about their identity.
Blaire White still has a dick. If he thinks dick-on-dick is straight, he's crazier than a shithouse rat. I don't think they're confused about anything, I think they're lying sacks of shit.
I believe White is another one much admired by Mr Kavanagh.
Well of course they have mental health issues. Gender Identity Disorder is just that a mental disorder. Anyone who says it isn't doesn't have it. Blaire often refers to himself tongue in cheek as a "Faggot Tranny" and Blaire's partner Joey is a self confessed gynandromorphaphile. I have never heard Blaire say they were in a heterosexual relationship. I may look like that to the outside world if they don't know who Blaire is. But as we know looks can be deceiving.
I have heard Blaire state that many people still see him as a gay man, but he sees himself as a woman. If he sees himself as a woman, and he's dating a man isn't that a heterosexual relationship in his mind? It's all confusing. When you identify as something your not, it's hard to make sense of it.
Good Comment but I don't think those two Dudes you name are confused. I believe they know exactly what they are doing and want to confuse others in order to justify their twisted minds and behavior.
A same-sex attracted person has 'gay converted' themselves by 'transitioning' and attempting to create a 'mutilated heterosexuality' by becoming a fake opp sex person. I can't think of anything more self-invalidating and inauthentic than that so they have, in a sense, 'transed away the gay.' They lack courage and personal integrity and tether themselves to the morally bankrupt 'gender medicine' racket for a lifetime. And depending on the extent of the physical damage to themselves will be rendered sterile and anorgasmic or inorgasmic-it's a damn shame.
That is not the case at all. They are still the same sex they are still attracted to others of the same sex and engage sexually with others of the same sex. They worst they may have done is "paint the closet door a different colour" but they have not fundamentally changed their sexuality. They are not now engaging with others of the opposite sex like someone who has supposedly prey'd the gay away.
The reason these organisations will not define a criteria for those for whom this treatment path "MAY" be an option which could have positive results, is because it would reduce their customer base to 1-2% of it current level. They are not singularly focused on helping people but in perpetuating their own positions.
It benefits NO ONE. There is not one person on this planet who benefits from cosmetic sterilization/genital mutilation.
Obviously I would disagree. They are almost as rare as rocking horse shit but they exist.
Who are these people? What are the benefits? How are these benefits assessed? Are they incontinent? Do they have sexual function? Are their endocrine systems intact?
First let me state for the record. I do not care if nobody can access these treatments in the future. I am not my brother's keeper in this regard. If we are talking about peoples access to medical treatments there are much more worthy causes to pour ones emotional and intellectual efforts into than this one.
How do you assess these people?
Well for a start you stop treating men and women patients the same. They are not the same, their psychologies are different and the things which affect them are different.
Assessment should require 18-24 months psychotherapy prior to any treatment and that therapy must be able to eliminate any suggestion of unresolved trauma from sexual, violent or psychological abuse. Is their family life history a settled one and if not to what extent is that affecting their thought process? If those things are evident then the patient does not progress to the next stage of assessment until they are.
Can they demonstrate that they understand the reality and limitations of what any proposed treatment can achieve? Are they evidencing any "magical thinking" or can they properly articulate their symptoms within the bounds of reality.
Is the patient's sexuality settled? Do they acknowledge it and are comfortable with it. Have they had romantic relationships however briefly and even if they have struggled to maintain them? If not this should be a bar to progression.
Are they able to form and maintain social relationships? If they are socially awkward or inept and to what extent is this inability affecting their thought processes on their claims of gender incongruence? (If they are lonely and simply looking for a sense of belonging this treatment is not going to solve this. Tell them to colour their hair green, pierce their septum and send them on their way the alphabet people will happily take them in).
What is the extent of the effects their condition is affecting their daily lives? Is it affecting their functionality? Is it a mild inconvenience or are they dependant on anti-depression / anti-anxiety medication .
Are they diagnosed with or is there any evidence of undiagnosed ASD of BPD? This should be the biggest red flag. Is this gender incongruence a recent thing or has it been present over many years. This must be checked with the patients family or Guardians if this is not possible they do not get to progress further in the assessment and remain in pshychollogical care.
These matters having been successfully met they then could be allowed to access a hormonal regime and must undergo what used to be termed a "Real Life Test" of 18-24 months minimum. During this test they must me assessed every 6-8 weeks monitoring their psychological health for improvement and their social and work lives assessed for stability. This must me evidenced by verifiable sources and not just the patient's report. Are they spending their existence in an LGBTQ echo chamber or are they engaged in wider society? Worse still are they a "shut in"? If there is any deterioration in the patient's mental state the treatment must be paused/stopped and retuned to psych assessment.
These should be the minimum steps for access to hormonal and "potential" surgical referral. I'll speak about surgery separately because this is becoming a tome.
Benefits must be assessed as a marked improvement of the patient's mental state and personal life. A discontinuance or marked reduction in any anti-depression or anxiety meds.
but even if there were benefits is it even really worth it when it comes with so many issues? it seems like even then the costs/risks and the dangers would still probably outweigh any benefits
Since, according to idpol, "being trans" is just like being black or gay or whatever thing that actually exists, I can see how they'd view bringing in Beardarella as, like, ~someone who'll understand the client's Lived Experience~
I feel sorry for her. How must it feel to realize that you've been living a lieIt is so unfortunate that she found it so difficult to be a butch lesbian that she mutilated herself. Also, how could any young woman decide to take testosterone after meeting Kimberly.
Absolutely spot on, great vid. “these stupid bitches” hahahahahaha
I absolutely can't with these damn people.
Old Transformers are violent
Bruce / Caitlyn Jenner beat up the Valet after Bruce Bruce got drunk.
A link to another interview at The Lesbian Project done recently w/ Kimberley. I don't see her as 'detransed' while still wearing a beard. And I do see these people as 'transing the gay away' b/c though she did not change her sex or sexuality she was presenting as the opp sex and thus would be viewed w/ her wife or partner as a straight couple. A lot of internalized homophobia there imo and cowardice too. No such thing as 'trans,' it is an invented, incoherent nonsense. You can be a different kind of woman but never any kind of man and it's absurd to think you can be. Why isn't the work eliminating misogyny and homophobia instead of making a person think he or she was 'born wrong' and need to pretend to a 'mutilated heterosexuality' & opp sex impersonation. Why does a person have to fit an old sex stereotype as a male or female and if they don't they need to be 'fixed'- it's outrageous.
Yes Indeed
I'm not in the lgtq but I couldn't agree 💯 with you more.
We neuter male dogs to make them calmer and less aggressive. We also spay and neuter to prevent overpopulation. The elite of this world believe we need to thin out humans and this is an excellent way to do it. This is why the world is being brainwashed into going along with this insanity. I really don't have much hope for our society.
Kimberly went from ordinary girl to lesbian woman to mother to trans man to intersex to detransitioner. Since the WPATH Files and the Cass Report dropped, 'detransition' is the new cool thing...just ask Genspect or Corinna Cohn, who now identifies as Cory, the detrans person.
Kimberly needs other tru-trans people like Susan/Buck to groom the kids.
Kimberly is just the Tranadian version of Scott Newgent. They are pushing a brand new gender industry market by providing kids and families with expensive therapeutic affirmation and social transitions...get them ready for the blockers, wrong sex hormones and frankensurgeries.
A lot of stuff is coming out now that Kellie Pirie publicly detransitioned and is on the GC speakers tour. Recently Ms. Pirie was platformed with Meghan Murphy and April Hutchinson and a few other radfems. The truth about the GDA/Genspect and other tru-trans organizations is leaking out a bit at a time.
As far as I know, Kimberly has one biological daughter (who is probably an adult) and 3 young step kids who did not know that she identified as trans.
***Kimberly ADVISED the Health Authority, not the other way around. Gender Dysphoria Alliance was one of the 3rd party consulting agency the Health Authority contracted to train everyone in affirmation.