“Ebony Harper” won Woman of the Year in District 7 (Sacramento) in 2021. He’s a man who was beaten and bullied for being an effeminate little boy, ran away from home as a teen and worked as a prostitute, and is now a damaged person being used as a poster boy for “trans women”. In this clip he is outside the hearing telling a group of gender critical “monsters” that he is male. You can’t make this bs up! https://x.com/mellow_vello/status/1806339312793096196?s=46&t=9T7qsS_O4nqXrhIuNjY1AA

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It IS nothing more than theater. Both democrats and Republicans are basically the same, they have been given the basic arguing points to make them seem opposite. We are given the illusion of choice by the actual people in charge but both choices are evil. Then the powers that be want the fight between D and R to keep us diverted from the fact that we are not a free country. It is all theatrics, it is all a show. I am opting out of playing their games. If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us vote. We are all just tax paying shills in the games of the elite.

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It's amazing (and not in a good way) how completely the trans-cult has captured the Democratic Party. Decent people of every political stripe realize this proposed law (and other trans asshattery) is madness, so fighting this insanity is not a partisan issue. There is nothing to gain politically by them fervently embracing something this patently evil. But obedience to the cult transcends all, regardless of the social and political consequences, and they unfailingly do its bidding.

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a new low for California. it is revealing more and more the pedos who occupy office.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

"Well let welcome everybody to the wild wild west"! Turns out Dre was right on the money with that one.

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Gay is one thing. Trans has lifelong health consequences. As a coach, I take annual courses in child safety and Rule #1 is never to keep parents out of the loop, to have no communication with a child that excludes the parents. Creating a rift in family relations is a huge no-no yet here we are deliberately encouraging one where no abuse is being alleged. And this creates a loophole that will encourage ill intentioned teachers to gain sexual access to kids.

Funny how it's the purported liberals who are engaging in violence to get their way. The monstering is getting worse: a sure sign we are gaining ground. David Tennant, in addition to wishing death on a black female politician, called terfs "f**ing whingers." This sort of violent rhetoric having entered the mainstream makes it easier for us to point out who the villains really are. When I was a child, watching the meanspiritedness of anti-abortion protests was what convinced me they were on the wrong side.

On a side note, California has had a Democratic supermajority for a number of years yet we have been unable to pass any liberal legislation, particularly single payer health insurance, which has been shelved repeatedly in committee. But we get this performative shit.

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I've thought a good way to solve a bunch of problems is if every classroom is video/audio recorded, and parents or students can access these recordings at any time. This is also useful for students with disabilities, who may need to watch lectures multiple times because most other forms of studying don't work for them, or who may need to access a different teacher's lecture on the same topic. But it would also end things like parents not believing their kids if the teacher is an asshole to the kid. It would end things like the opposite sex changing closet, or teachers only giving cupcakes to black or queer students, or the shop teacher with z cup prosthetics and miniskirts, or a lot of forms of student on student bullying.

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"This is where absence of merit gets you." Well said, Karen.

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13:00 I think it is hilarious when folks engage in the "hold me back" theatrics! I see it a lot in NASCAR where one guy makes sure he has backup before he goes at another so he doesn't REALLY have to fight, it's all a show. However, representatives should NEVER engage in this behavior. Unfortunately, that is the world we are dealt with today and we let it happen. As in Orwell's 1984, it is all just for show and "views" now. We are doomed.

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The governor can still veto it, so not law at this point.

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Sometimes it feels like I wouldn't need all of my fingers to count the amount of sane people left on this planet.

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