
Wonderful, isn't it? Modern medicine has brought us so many miracles.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Karen Davis

"Take a fist", in other words, he got all his information about being a woman from porn.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Karen Davis

I truly believe that the first man who talked about his “magical porn purse” having no issues is LYING!

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These men basically have 2 anus.

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I've never been so glad to have a vagina instead of a man cave

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What is the point of the various fake vag models? My nephew told me that he and his mtf friends prefer anal sex anyway (because it feels like something). They (the misogynistic pervs) also refer to women as 'fishies' and have nothing but contempt for adult human females.

I think they like the pain, the porn, the dilating, the fisting etc...

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These guys are so crude and gross. People who feel sorry for them due to their "dysphoria" don't know how these men's minds work.

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It's a real shame these porn addled perverts go through so much pain to be their authentic self

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Another TRA salesman. It is all about diversifying - sell the ideology, sell the surgeons & surgeries, sell the pharma products and meds and sell the porn and buy the lies.

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Sad that, yes "woman don't have their vaginas close up and go necrotic"...except for TiFs. Eg. Buck Angel. TiF vaginas do die and cause sepsis.

Trans ideology and it's effects are intentional, hateful and demonic. The Privation, the Twisting, the Nothing.

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i've noticed a swarm of trans bots posting "i have the best vagina!" & "better than women!" & "i got fisted!" in YT. when i question: "it's MY experience!". ... it's a script, like the stories in gay mags, fantasies, propaganda .. it's a thick layer of Drag makeup for illusion of beauty & happiness.

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ROT POCKET!!!!! BITCH BYE! 😂🤣😆 You just made my whole damn life! Love you!

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And why would we not want these charming men in our spaces?

Thank you, Karen.

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Fake is fake. No matter how much scarring and how many revisions - wear them as medals if you will - fake is fake.

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I always wonder if guys like this are paid by Pharma to post this kind of thing to sell more surgery

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GRS - Gender re-assignment surgery should be illegal, period.

Could it honestly get any worse if these surgeries were performed in back rooms like 1940s abortions??

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